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Patriotic Americans Working to Prevent a Con-Con

Patriotic Americans Working to Prevent a Con-Con

C. Mitchell Shaw
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

With the federal government constantly overstepping its constitutional boundaries — and growing the federal budget with each extra-constitutional step it takes — people across the nation realize there is a problem. Groups such as Compact for America, the Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force (BBATF), and Convention of States Action offer various plans to rein in the federal government by encouraging states to apply for an Article V Convention to amend the Constitution. 

Almost all such groups — including the three listed above — deny that such a convention would be a Constitutional Convention with nearly limitless power to make sweeping changes to the Constitution, including the power to draft an entirely new Constitution. Their denials do nothing to set aside the reality: Even Black’s Law Dictionary — the most widely used law dictionary in the United States — defines “Constitutional Convention” as “A duly constituted assembly of delegates or representatives of the people of a state or nation for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending its constitution” and lists the following example:

Delegates to the constitutional convention convened in 1787 quickly dispensed with any thoughts of retaining the Articles of Confederation and turned, instead, to the creation of a new Constitution.

And while the leaders of those groups deny an obvious truth, a distinction must be made between those leaders and the followers who are deceived by that dishonest denial. Since those groups are well-funded — thanks to a handful of wealthy special-interest groups such as the Kochs and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) — many thousands of good, patriotic men and women have believed the lies they have been told: that what Compact for America, the BBATF, COS Action, and other such groups are proposing is a safe, reasonable, limited solution to a federal government that runs roughshod over the rights of the people and the states. 

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