Taking Action
Overcoming the War on Children
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Overcoming the War on Children

William S. Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In a conversation with my pastor over pizza and soda while bowling with our Sunday School class, he summed up his morning sermon about Jesus’ instruction of letting the little children come to Him by highlighting what happens to those who instead cause children to “stumble.” As Luke 17:2 reads, “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”

The war on children is part of the overall spiritual war between good and evil. Satan tries to pervert everything God created in order to turn people away from Him and toward sin. This includes causing children to stumble.

Keep in mind that for revolutionaries, the issue is never the issue. Revolution is always the issue. The revolutionaries demand that society be burned down and God be replaced with the almighty state, and one way to accomplish this is by destroying the family. The war on the traditional family includes an attack on children. Since most children have an innate trust in adults, they can be easily manipulated, and what easier way to turn children against their parents than by filling their heads full of falsehoods at the public schools?

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