The Last Word
Nullification: the Bane of Covid Overreach

Nullification: the Bane of Covid Overreach

William S. Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Whether it began as a plan to make up for lost globalist ground due to the Trump administration’s focus on America First, a lab release from America’s number-one enemy, or a bioweapon committed to depopulation, two definite conclusions can be made about the Covid-19 “pandemic”: It has been used as an excuse to usher in tyranny, and it has helped to energize freedom-lovers around the world.

Covid-19 will eventually be exposed as a hammer of oppression. Early studies indicate the negative effects of government overreaction on Americans’ physical and mental health. Once the long-term effects of the Covid “vaccines” become known, this will further erode the confidence many have placed in their government and the healthcare establishment, which were joined in lockstep in their pandemic ploys.

The Founding Fathers crafted the U.S. Constitution for a moral and religious people, who are more apt to self-governance. But they also knew of mankind’s tendency to moral decline, which prompted them to enact the prudent rule of law rather than democratic mob rule. As Thomas Jefferson stated in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, “in questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

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