New World Disorder 2023
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Planning our future: World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab meets with Chinese Premier Li Qiang at the WEF’s 2023 confab.

New World Disorder 2023

Globalists declare 2023 “Year One” of a New World Order, which means escalated transformation of the world into a facsimile of Communist China. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Since we are three-quarters of the way through 2023, maybe we should pause and assess what we think about “Year One” of a New World Order. What’s this, you say? What are you talking about? Well, your bewilderment is understandable; if you don’t read Nikkei Asia, you probably missed the article on March 14, 2023 with the jarring headline that read, “Trilateral Commission calls 2023 ‘Year One’ of new world order.”

Nikkei Asia, one of Japan’s major media outlets (and a sister publication of the U.K.-based Financial Times), was privileged to have its editor-in-chief and diplomatic correspondent attend the secret meeting (March 10-13) of the high-powered Trilateral Commission in New Delhi, India. Meetings of the Trilateral Commission (TC), like those of the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and similar globalist groups, operate under the “Chatham House rule” of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which allows attendees to repeat statements that are made but not to identify the source of any particular comment. Thus, over the years, leading members of the Fake News industrial complex that have been privy to the Trilateralist conclaves have either kept completely mum about the goings on at these events or have duplicitously passed them off to the public as mere civic-minded discussions among “the great and the good.” This goes both for “journalists” who are invited to attend as guests, as well as for those who are TC members. 

Currently, for instance, the Trilateralist media membership includes Michael Bloomberg (billionaire CEO of the Bloomberg media empire), Michael Duffy (The Washington Post), Sylvie Kaufman (The New York Times and LeMonde), Caroline Daniel (Financial Times), Nicholas Kristof, David Sanger, and Bret Stephens (all three of The New York Times), Joy Lo Dico (The Evening Standard), Tove Lifvendahl (Svenska Dagbladet), Yoichi Funabashi (Asahi Shimbun), Yurina Takiguchi (Nikkei CNBC and Forbes), Andrea Mitchell (NBC, MSNBC), Ian Bremer (GZERO Media), Lee Cullum (PBS), Martin Weiss (Hubert Burda Media Group), and Tom Kompas (Asia and the Pacific Policy Journal), to name a few. 

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