New Film Exposes Climate Hustlers’ Lies and Agenda

The new documentary film Climate Hustle by Climate Depot editor Marc Morano debunks global-warming alarmism, relying heavily on the words of the alarmists themselves. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Polar bears, move over. Another animal — the armadillo — is being exploited for propaganda purposes by climate-change alarmists, who claim that the strange-looking creature is migrating northward because of global warming. Ironically, the armadillo previously served as a prop for global-cooling alarmists back when government-funded “climate scientists” were sure that a deadly man-made ice age was just around the corner. At the time, it was claimed the armadillo was migrating southward because of global cooling. The interesting factoid about the armadillo, as well as the timely reminder of the global-cooling scare of a few decades ago, are just two of the many reasons why the new documentary film Climate Hustle by Climate Depot editor Marc Morano, which debunks the fake global-warming “consensus” as a giant fraud, should be considered a must-see movie for all Americans.

The film, which had its U.S. premier in some 400 theaters across America on May 2, has the anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming (AGW) theorists in panic mode. On alarmist websites, self-styled film critics and climate experts are attacking the movie, using every method they can think of — except using facts. In an interview with Morano (not in the film), Bill Nye, the self-styled “Science Guy,” or the “Pseudo-science Guy” as he is known to critics, belittled the film, accusing it of showcasing a “minority” point of view and of being “very much not in our national interest and the world’s interest.” Apparently, then, facts are not in the national or “global” interest, whatever that is. Nye also encouraged people to boycott the film.

One group of alarmists set up a website solely to attack Morano, the producers at CFACT (the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow), and the film. As the saying goes, though, if you’re catching flak, it means you’re over the target — and Morano is catching plenty of it.

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