Taking Action
Never, Ever Give Up!

Never, Ever Give Up!

William S. Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Members of The John Birch Society are forever optimists. We’re the proverbial frog that’s being swallowed by the pelican while shouting, “Never Give Up!” as we wrap our hands around the throat of the pelican that’s attempting to swallow us. We can never quit, so when we are asked if it’s too late, our answer is a loud and clear, NO!

There are those who think and operate differently, being pessimistic and predicting the Republic’s demise without seemingly lifting a finger to stop it. If they knew of a successful plan, would they get involved? Perhaps they would, or perhaps they prefer to wallow in the mire of despair, which provides a pathetic cover for not doing anything.

One thing is certain: If someone has his heart set against doing something, you’re probably not going to change his mind. If you can talk him into something, someone else can talk him out of it. He must change from within. Those who engage in “soul-winning” understand this concept. Please forgive me for any sacrilege, but the concepts of “churching” and “Birching” are very similar. In your conversations with others, you find common ground and build from there. Sometimes you merely plant a seed, and other times you reap a harvest.

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