Neocons Reviling Trump, Rejoicing in Biden
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Neocons Reviling Trump, Rejoicing in Biden

Claiming to represent “real conservatism,” the left-tilted establishment GOP intelligentsia is cheering for the demise of President Trump. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Olga Khazan, a reporter for The Atlantic, sat in as an invited observer for an Election Night Zoom Panel of a certain media organization. Her report will serve as an eye-opener for many conservatives and Republicans. As the evening progressed and President Trump won Florida and appeared to be leading Biden in North Carolina, the panelists were muttering, moaning, and cursing. When it appeared that Biden might also be losing Pennsylvania, anxiety turned into desperation, dread, and despair. The thought of losing Pennsylvania to Trump was just too much to bear. A prominent panelist cried out: “Right now, we are facing the possibility of not only not getting that, but having that f****r in office for four years!” (Though, naturally, The Atlantic, being a liberal-left, virulently anti-Trump publication — and thoroughly sophisticated to boot — didn’t bother to bleep the expletive, as we have done above.)

No, Khazan was not sitting in with Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Joe Scarborough for MSNBC. Nor was she with Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, and Brooke Baldwin at CNN — or any of the other Big Media mouthpieces that President Trump rightly denounced as Fake News and “enemies of the American people.” She was reporting from the election-night meltdown at The Bulwark, Bill Kristol’s latest neoconservative, online venture. And the f-bombing individual was The Bulwark’s policy editor Mona Charen, one of the most venomous Never Trumpers, which therefore qualifies her as a “responsible” conservative in the eyes of the leftists and globalists who run Big Media. Khazan was observing the meltdown via remote video hookup as an invitee to the home of Charen.

Mona Charen, like many of her neoconservative colleagues at National Review, The Bulwark,and Jonah Goldberg’s more recently launched publishing effort, The Dispatch, has been a fixture among the chattering classes of Big Media for dec-ades. She’s a syndicated columnist (carried by mostly “progressive” newspapers), CNN commentator, and guest on network talking-head programs. She currently hosts The Bulwark’s Beg to Differ podcast. Not all of the neocon Never Trumpers have gone as far as Mona Charen and Bill Kristol. They and much of their Bulwark crew not only hate Trump — passionately — but have gone so far as to root for Biden, endorse Biden, vote for Biden, even campaign for Biden. According to The Atlantic’s Olga Khazan, “Charen even phone-banked for Biden” and “even voted for Democrats in down-ballot races this year.” 

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