Nationalizing the Police Is Not the Answer

Nationalizing the Police Is Not the Answer

Because of supposed police injustice against blacks and cities burning from riots, some are calling to nationalize local police forces, but that just takes away local control. ...
Steve Byas
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Because of supposed police injustice against blacks and cities burning from riots, some are calling to nationalize local police forces, but that just takes away local control.

Using George Floyd’s death as a rationale, some Americans want to transfer more police authority away from local and state government, and into the hands of the federal government. This supposed solution to any problems of local law enforcement is as dangerous as it is nonsensical, and it would lead to less, not more, respect for the rights of individuals — of all ethnicities — in our country.

Exacerbated racial tensions have caused the diversion of attention away from the fundamental question as to what level of government has the primary constitutional responsibility for law enforcement in our federal system of government. Those who favor increased power for government at the federal level, at the expense of state and local government, use accusations of racism and “police brutality” to argue for transferring law-enforcement responsibility to government officials in Washington, D.C.

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