The Last Word
More “Debunked Conspiracy Theories”

More “Debunked Conspiracy Theories”

R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

For some 18 months, the leftist mainstream media called any suggestion that the China virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan a “debunked conspiracy theory.” It now turns out that the lab-leak hypothesis was strong, with plenty of evidence to back it up (see article on page 23).

Yet the stubborn insistence that the theory was “debunked” invites the observation that the media called any claim with which its worthies disagreed a “debunked conspiracy theory,” even when it was neither debunked nor a conspiracy theory. As well, the media readily published and broadcast truly debunked conspiracy theories. On the one hand, we had the lab-leak hypothesis, and before that the Biden-Burisma and Biden-China influence-peddling schemes. Not debunked. On the other, we had the Russia collusion and Capitol Hill “insurrection” hoaxes. Debunked.

What they all have in common is former President Donald J. Trump. The leftist media doesn’t mind conspiracy theories, as long as the conspirators include Trump in particular and Republicans in general. If the conspirators are leftists, Democrats, or Chinese scientists, the theories are, well, “debunked.”

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