LGBTQ+ Extremism at School Is Destroying Children
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LGBTQ+ Extremism at School Is Destroying Children

From California to New York to Florida, public schools are encouraging children to resist American values and embrace homosexuality, transgenderism, and more. ...
Dr. Scott Lively
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When Minnesota mother Anmarie Calgaro found out that her underage son had been taken to get “sex-change” surgery by government school officials without her permission, she was furious and heartbroken at the same time. Calgaro’s outrage resulted in her filing a lawsuit against the St. Louis County School District in 2016. 

“Not only was I robbed of the opportunity to help my son make good decisions, but I also feel he was robbed of a key advocate in his life, his mother,” Calgaro told reporters about the horrific ordeal. “I was not consulted or informed about this [transgender transition] in any way.”

Unfortunately for Calgaro and her son, however, all the lawsuits in the world will never undo the surgical castration and hormone “treatments” the child was subjected to by government “educators” and quack “doctors.” Studies show almost all children tricked into believing they are “transgender” end up perfectly normal in adulthood. Calgaro’s sterilized and mutilated son will not get the chance to find out.

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