Letters to the Editor

Rioting for Revolution

“Let the rioters riot” is the cry, because violence for the sake of social justice is justified. Let the riot run its course, as some sort of influenza, or just consider it a natural disaster, an act of God if you will. These and the widespread calls to purge the police through defunding are reminiscent of the Red Guard movement under Mao Tse-tung. The death toll of the Cultural Revolution was from hundreds of thousands to 20 million. The Red Guards, who at their height were 11 million strong, were out to destroy the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas. People were encouraged to criticize cultural institutions. As the Red Guards were released, they subsequently renamed streets with such titles as Worker-Peasant-Soldier Park and Great Leap Forward Road, just as our streets are being renamed in America. China’s historical sites suffered devastating damage; much of China’s thousands of years of history was in effect destroyed. Mao ordered the party and the army not to suppress the movement. It quickly became evident that unbridled violence represented officially sanctioned mass behavior, for neither police nor soldiers came to the help of those whom the Red Guards attacked. The widespread factional attempts made to attack and occupy suburban schools led to constructing defenses and sealing off the entrances, just as our riots have taken sections of cities. This was to produce a new Chinese man devoted to Mao’s conception — one of continuing struggle and collective enthusiasm. By revolution we are preparing subsequent generations to riot, not for justice, but to instill in their minds the socialist stratagems of Marxism-Leninism. 

Luke Morell
Sent via e-mail

COVID Discrimination 

It is peculiar that in a country enamored with righting the wrongs of social injustices there is a deafening silence on the discriminatory practices of COVID vaccine passports. Requiring proof of vaccine status for the acquisition of services, free movement, and just treatment, is incredibly illiberal and regressive. 

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