Letters to the Editor
Changing Identities: A Reality Check
If you’re rich, the government will spend all of your money. If you’re smart, the government will give you a government job that you’re overqualified for. If you believe in the sanctity of marriage, the government will increase the gay-rights propaganda on your children. If you have one identity, the government will pay for you to have the other(s). If you own a firearm, the government will place you under domestic terrorist surveillance. If you’re white, the government will take away all of your “privileges” and give them to the already overprivileged, making them even more privileged, etc., etc., etc.
Why stop at gender identity? Why not change race identity, age identity, class identity, national identity, planet of origin identity, etc., etc.? Think about it: Could I have a high-school diploma and change my education identity in order to practice medicine? Can a poor man change his financial identity in order to purchase a car and a home? Even further, can a majority change his oppression identity in order to get minority benefits? In reality, there is no such thing as an identity change any more than changing your style of clothing or name, wearing colored contacts, bleaching your skin, or dying your hair changes who you are.
Luke Morell
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