Letters to the Editor
Connecticut Crazies
As to your October 5 article about gun control (“Obama Ramping Up the Rhetoric on Gun Control”), my family and I lived in Connecticut and attended church in Sandy Hook when the heinous murders took place. The Connecticut/Newtown hearings were nothing more than a charade. As a Second Amendment supporter, I testified in Hartford only to have Senators Looney and Williams shamefully refuse to look at me when I addressed them, and Senator Coleman put his head down and went to sleep. The female Connecticut Capitol police officer pictured on page 18 of your magazine, while holding a bolt-closed rifle and with her finger on the trigger, pointed the firearm at the attendees on her left. The Second Amendment supporters instantly saw this breach of basic firearm safety and immediately called for her to point the gun in a safe direction. Senator Looney, the hearing’s chair, failing to recognize a serious yet elementary point of safety, verbally lashed out at us and threatened to have us removed from the hearing. This is a prime example of government officials making laws on a subject that they know absolutely nothing about. Law-abiding Connecticut gun owners became villains, and were severely restricted and punished with new laws, while criminals became even more empowered by not being held accountable to existing laws.
Connecticut gun control laws were the last tyrannical straw. We were no longer free and decided to move from Connecticut.
We live in an era our Founding Fathers warned about. Molon Labe!
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