Letters To The Editor

Appreciating America

I have a unique opportunity with my company to interact with a wide variety of immigrants. The overwhelming majority of these interactions are with Nigerians and Jamaicans, mostly first- or second-generation black immigrants. Each and every time, they passionately describe their absolute love for America, what it represents, and the unlimited opportunities it provides. They are amazed with how kind and helpful Americans are in providing opportunities with hard work and personal responsibility. Several of these individuals have started companies and have employees. They cannot understand why people speak so poorly of America and the perceived racism that is supposedly holding these American-born people back. These amazing immigrants articulate how they bring their children back to their homelands to show them how blessed they are to live in America. They say that they need to make sure their children experience and see what they left so it will make a permanent impression on them.  

The latest example of these wonderful immigrants is Winsome Sears, the next lieutenant governor of Virginia. Her story is amazing, and should be highlighted on every news station across the country. Sears is an immigrant from Jamaica and a former U.S. Marine. She co-chaired the African-American Committee and the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, has a master’s degree, is director of a women’s homeless shelter for the Salvation Army, and has many more amazing attributes. One just needs her to speak for a few minutes to hear her love for America and the amazing opportunities it provided her and her family.

The freedom and unlimited opportunity we have in America has never been experienced elsewhere. We have people willing to die to trying to get into our country. We need to stop blaming other people for our life situations and take personal responsibility for our decisions. We have our “leaders” trying to divide our society into groups, agitating them and trying to pit one group against another. They then say they can fix this if we elect them and give them even more power. Reject this attempt to divide us as a nation! Working hard, showing up to work on time, showing initiative, and taking responsibility for your actions will guarantee success in America.

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