United Nations
Legislation to Get US Out! of the UN
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Legislation to Get US Out! of the UN

The DEFUND Act, now pending in both the House and the Senate, would terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations and other formally affiliated bodies. ...
Peter Rykowski
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The United Nations is one of the greatest threats to American freedom and independence. From its very foundation in the waning months of WWII, the main purpose of the global body has been to serve as the foundation of — and incrementally build up to — a nascent one-world government.

Nearly 80 years after the UN’s founding, this fact is becoming increasingly apparent. For example, the global body is aggressively urging implementation of Agenda 2030, its master plan for taking full control of every aspect of society via extreme environmental policies. Meanwhile, UN affiliates and other related agencies such as the World Health Organization and World Trade Organization are tightening their grip over their member nations. Here at home, the permanent federal bureaucracy and the establishment of both political parties — all heavily influenced by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations — have for decades pushed for gradually merging the United States into this emerging world government.

Thankfully, some members of Congress are pushing back against the erosion of U.S. sovereignty by introducing legislation to withdraw the United States from the UN.

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