Lawsuits Give Proof of Massive Vote-machine Fraud
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Lawsuits Give Proof of Massive Vote-machine Fraud

While the controlled Deep State media keep bleating “NO EVIDENCE!,” Trump’s legal advocates have amassed overwhelming proof of enormous, widespread fraud. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Voting machines and software used across dozens of key jurisdictions in the 2020 election were literally designed to rig elections, according to evidence presented in federal lawsuits by powerhouse attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. Using these compromised systems secured a phony victory for Joe Biden in ways that would have been “impossible” without the widespread fraud, the suits show. Legal experts said the cases exposing the coordinated vote fraud could ensure another four years for Trump in the White House.

In her suit filed in Georgia in the last week of November, Powell explained that the ultimate objective of the vote riggers was to “illegally and fraudulently” manipulate the vote count so that Biden could appear to be the winner. And this fraud was accomplished through various means, including lies, computer rigging, “old-fashioned ballot-stuffing,” and more that were all covered up using computer software programs created and run by foreign and domestic enemies.

Experts and Whistleblowers

Among the many pieces of evidence: a damning affidavit by a whistleblower who helped the late mass-murdering socialist dictator Hugo Chavez of Venezuela create voting systems that could be rigged to favor a chosen candidate. Indeed, according to the suit, the software by Smartmatic was literally created for the purpose of rigging elections in a manner that would be impossible to prove or detect. And Smartmatic is closely linked to Dominion Voting Systems and other firms that were key in the 2020 election.

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