Lawmakers at The John Birch Society’s 60th Anniversary

Lawmakers at The John Birch Society’s 60th Anniversary

Along with acknowledging dangers the country faces, speakers at the JBS anniversary touted Society successes. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

APPLETON, WISCONSIN — Some of America’s most principled lawmakers at the state and federal level told activists here that liberty is in danger, but the fight is not over and there are signs of hope. One of the key problems that they all agreed on is that the Constitution that every American legislator swears an oath to uphold is not actually being obeyed. That has allowed all sorts of major problems to emerge, ranging from a federal debt tsunami that threatens to engulf the nation in crisis to the ongoing erosion of fundamental God-given liberties and the Christian foundations of America. But it was not all bad news. In fact, some of the speakers at the John Birch Society’s October 5-6 event argued that while liberty is not yet safe, it is on the march.

In his keynote speech, which had the crowd roaring with laughter, Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) talked about his experiences in Congress and his efforts to protect the Constitution. Showing the audience his congressional voting card, he said it belonged to the people he represents in Kentucky. In a bit of light-hearted humor, Massie joked that he once accidentally handed the card to a waitress at a restaurant, only to be told that it was declined. When he asked why it was declined, the response was hilarious and yet tragic at the same time: “Sir, it already has $21 trillion on it.” In all seriousness, though, the congressman warned that the ongoing spending spree was now a threat not just to grandchildren and children — but to the current generation of adults.

In fact, while everybody was focused on the Kavanaugh fight, Congress passed yet another massive spending bill that continues to bury the nation in debt that will be impossible to repay. This one, dubbed a “Cromnibus,” authorizes nearly $1 trillion in spending. Among the poison contained inside: full funding for abortion giant Planned Parenthood, which Republicans perpetually promise to defund and yet never do. Almost all Democrats and the overwhelming majority of Republicans voted in favor of the bill, which is packed full of unconstitutional spending on unconstitutional programs. Massie also related how Congress passed another bill while America was distracted with Kavanaugh, this one disguised as “anti-sex trafficking” legislation, that would allow the government to spy on Americans without a warrant.

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