Last Word: The Deep State Liars Club

Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

April and May were busy months for former FBI chief James Comey, as he crisscrossed the country with his Trump-bashing book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership. The low points of his royal powder-puff treatment by the gatekeepers of the Fourth Estate included sycophantic “interviews” with George Stephanopoulos (ABC), Rachel Maddow (MSNBC), David Remnick (The New Yorker), Stephen Colbert on Late Night (CBS), and more. Comey, who was fired by President Trump, has been the out-front point man in the “Destroy Trump” tag team with his longtime DOJ-FBI comrade Robert Mueller. 

Comey is not the only Deep State operative now out on the book-tour circuit. Former top spook Michael V. Hayden (who headed both the CIA and NSA) also has a similar tell-all tome to hawk and a similar message to sell. Hayden’s book, The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies, has provided the anti-Trump media choir with another opportunity to attack and delegitimize our elected president. In an April 30 All Things Considered interview with NPR, Hayden charged that the Trump administration has ushered in “a post-truth world.” He also justified leaking and other (unidentified) forms of “pushing back” against the president because, “What we have here is a president who does not seem to be controlled by the traditional norms of the office. We have never seen a president speak like this, act like this, disparage people like this. And of course, that generates a response from people who have been career professionals, because we think what the president’s doing is very harmful.”

Note that what Hayden is saying here is that he and other political appointees in the elite echelons of the Security State apparatuses justify acting as de facto members of the anti-Trump “Resistance” because they don’t like President Trump’s style — the way he talks and acts. For the record, this writer also takes umbrage with many of the inartful, un-presidential (and, yes, sometimes downright crude and cringe-worthy) expressions and tweets emanating from the president; but the “pushback” from Comey, Mueller, Hayden, and their Deep State co-conspirators is unprecedented and beyond the pale. Their pushback involves a long train of actions that are unethical, illegal, and treasonous. They have been doing everything in their power to sabotage the government of the United States, to undo the elections of 2016, and to prevent the Trump administration from governing as it was elected to do. They have been illegally leaking classified documents and information in a steady campaign calculated to undermine the president, while, at the same time, stonewalling legitimate requests and demands from Congress to produce documents bearing on national security, corruption, and abuse.

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