Kissinger at 100

Kissinger at 100

Globalist extraordinaire Henry Kissinger recently turned 100. Here we take an honest look at his record. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Henry Kissinger, the much-celebrated eminence grise of the globalist establishment, marked his 100th birthday on May 27. Media fanfare, commentary, bouquets, and brickbats poured forth as expected. Kissinger — former national security advisor and secretary of state, political savant, and globetrotting advisor-at-large to the world — is both revered and reviled by constituencies across the political spectrum like few other “elder statesmen” in history.

Many on the far left despise and castigate him at every opportunity. They charge that Kissinger’s alleged anti-communist tendencies, combined with his amoral pragmatism and power lust, caused him to support right-wing dictatorships and to assist the overthrow of left-wing governments. Of course, attacks such as these from the America-hating Left automatically elicit support for Kissinger from many on the Right who should know better. There are the Wall Street crowd, the Permanent Government in Washington, and the elite “mainstream” media for whom Henry is a darling like no other. Presidents, prime ministers, dictators, movie stars, billionaires, and Fortune 500 CEOs seek to bask in his supposed brilliance. Governments, universities, and prestigious organizations shower him with accolades. Republican and Democratic politicos alike sing his praises.

On the other hand, MAGA conservatives — the GOP contingent not completely under the sway of RINOs, neocons, Fox News, and National Review — are more likely to place Kissinger somewhere between Machiavelli and Beelzebub in history’s catalog of villains, even if the specific reasons for their antipathy are somewhat foggy. The fogginess is understandable, considering that for the past 50 years “Dr. K” has been the recipient of relentless whitewashing by the Deep State’s public-relations machine, while evidence of his criminal deeds has been sent down the memory hole. Those old enough to recall his trail of treachery are dying off, while younger generations have been exposed only to the globalist hagiographies of “St. Henry” or the leftist demonologies of “Henry Diablo.”

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