Killing U.S., Boosting China, to “Save Climate”
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Killing U.S., Boosting China, to “Save Climate”

Biden’s plan to supposedly mitigate global warming will hand huge economic and military advantages to China, at the expense of the United States. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

There appears to be more and more truth to the “China owns Biden” quip — and it is not just about Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s crack-smoking, underage-girl-chasing son who infamously went into “business” with top Communist Party of China bigwigs. Indeed, since taking the reins of the presidency, Joe “Big Guy” Biden would have been hard-pressed to help Beijing more if he was an actual CCP agent. On his very first day in office, he gave gift after gift to the mass-murdering regime ruling Communist China. But perhaps none of those assists were as significant as the decision to reverse President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the discredited United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change.

“We are going to combat climate change in a way we have not done so far,” Biden said before signing the short decree purporting to shackle the United States to the UN scheme. 

Under the illegitimate agreement, which has not been ratified by (or even submitted to) the U.S. Senate as required for all treaties, Barack Obama and now Biden promised to handicap what remains of America’s productive economy under the guise of helping to stop alleged global warming. Beijing, by contrast, promised to keep building coal-fired power plants and continue increasing the Chinese people’s CO2 emissions until at least 2030. So under the Paris accord China essentially agreed to do nothing about lowering emissions: A U.S. government study estimated that even without the Paris accord, China would hit its peak energy production by 2030. By that point, much of America’s remaining productive capacity will have been shipped over to China. And the climate will keep doing what it has always done — change.

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