The Review
Kennedy’s Truth Bomb Demolishes the Cult of Fauci
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Kennedy’s Truth Bomb Demolishes the Cult of Fauci

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2021, 450 pages, hardcover.

Kennedy Truth Anthony Fauci Bill Gates big pharma COVID vaccines

“America’s doctor.” “The voice of science.” “The hero of the pandemic.” Yes, we’re talking about Saint Anthony Fauci. He has been awarded these fawning sobriquets — and many more — from his worshipful fans among the political and chattering classes. The 81-year-old director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is the ubiquitous face of the new medical technocracy that claims authority over all humanity — a technocracy that is becoming steadily more totalitarian and is coercively subjecting us to dangerous experimental drugs (falsely called vaccines)  in the name of saving us from a virus that is 99-percent survivable and that can be effectively treated with already-available, safe, inexpensive drugs and nutrients. 

With The Real Anthony Fauci,Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. not only has produced a withering exposé that rips the face mask off the sanctimonious fraud posing as America’s COVID savior, but also has given us a brave book that provides the much-needed deep dive into Fauci’s Deep State connections and the globalist forces that put him on a pedestal as their white-robed frontman and liar-in-chief. Kennedy, a “progressive” Democrat and decades-long, far-left environmentalist, has taken on the leaders of his own party and has fearlessly and meticulously assembled the data and connected the dots showing that our ruling political classes — Republican and Democrat — are fatally compromised and are indeed engaged in a war on our freedom, the rule of law, and our constitutional republic (although he insists on repeatedly referring to our nation as a democracy).

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