JFK Assassination Misdirection 
Art Wager/Getty Images Plus

JFK Assassination Misdirection 

After the Kennedy assassination, the mainstream media tried to blame right-wing conservatives for his death. This is another example of Deep State misdirection. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

One of the most stunning features of the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination was the massive proliferation of “theories” to supposedly “explain” it. The incredible campaign of confusion included an almost endless array of phony narratives, many of them blaming conservatives and patriotic Americans, designed to misdirect researchers and those searching for the truth. The lies have echoed down through history to this day. 

Aside from the Warren Commission’s widely disbelieved narrative, at least 42 organizations, 82 assassins, and well over 200 accomplices have been accused by those who reject the official story, according to former prosecutor and JFK researcher Vincent Bugliosi. In the end, the “official” narrative concluded that a lone gunman, communist Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone, for no apparent grand purpose, and was then shot by another lone gunman, again without any broad operation involved. 

That conclusion may or may not have elements of truth to it. While it seems likely Oswald was involved somehow, his well-documented contacts with the Soviet Union and the Deep State’s obvious motives for wanting to remove Kennedy suggest there may be more to the story. But regardless of what really happened, what is clear is that the establishment media and other Deep State forces began sowing confusion in an effort to misdirect Americans from the start. 

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