Humanity & the AI End Game
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Rise of the machines? The growing power of AI has triggered fears of a high-tech apocalypse, in which intelligent machines enslave or even destroy humanity, like the army of killer robots spawned by the self-aware computer network Skynet in the Terminator movie franchise.

Humanity & the AI End Game

What will human society look like with the rise of AI? Will it be a grim dystopia, or is there room for hope? ...
Dennis Behreandt
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The following article is a transcript of an interview with Dennis Behreandt, publisher of The New American and author of End Game, about the future of technology and humanity. The transcript has been edited for space and clarity. 

The New American: What does the current AI revolution mean for human individuality, freedom, etc.?

Dennis Behreandt: In my opinion, the revolutionary aspect of AI has only just begun to be noticed, because as advanced as it is now, one year further on, two years further on, 2025, 2026, the world is going to look potentially considerably different than it does today. We haven’t seen anything yet. So what does that mean for human flourishing and human success? That means many things that people have taken for granted over the course of many years — their jobs, the way they’ve raised their families, how they interact with authorities, with local government, all of those things — are ripe for change. 

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