Book Review
How Medicare Hurts

How Medicare Hurts

In Medicare’s Victims: How the U.S. Government’s Largest Health Care Program Harms Patients and Impairs Physicians, David Hogberg demonstrates that Medicare is far from the success story that the media and politicians would have us believe it is. ...
Michael Tennant
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Medicare’s Victims: How the U.S. Government’s Largest Health Care Program Harms Patients and Impairs Physicians, by David Hogberg, Washington, D.C.: The National Center for Public Policy Research, 2015, 336 pages, paperback.

The average American is likely to scoff at the title of David Hogberg’s new book, Medicare’s Victims: How the U.S. Government’s Largest Health Care Program Harms Patients and Impairs Physicians. Mainstream media outlets generally portray this 50-year experiment in socialized medicine as an unqualified success. Indeed, Hogberg reminds us, “The notion that Medicare provides good care for all of its beneficiaries has crystallized into an article of faith among many advocates of a government-run health care system who argue that we should open up Medicare to everyone.”

Hogberg, a senior fellow for healthcare policy at the National Center for Public Policy Research, begs to differ: “Medicare can’t even ensure [low-cost, high-quality care] for the people who are currently eligible for the program. Expanding it to cover all Americans would only exacerbate its shortcomings for ­patients.”

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