The Last Word
How Best to Effect Change in Washington

How Best to Effect Change in Washington

Gary Benoit
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Every four years, many good Americans put significant time and money into trying to elect a president who will rescue America from the downward spiral our country is now in and return America to greatness. But how much good does this work on presidential politics actually accomplish? In particular, how much does it accomplish compared to putting similar time and money into other efforts to preserve our freedom outside the presidential arena?

Of course, there is no denying that electing a good president — by which we mean a president who would abide by his oath of office to the Constitution — would be a great thing. But what are the chances of actually being able to elect a constitutionalist president in 2016, or in the foreseeable future for that matter, considering today’s political realities? The power elites who have shaped U.S. policy for decades exert tremendous influence through the cultural organs, especially the media. And the understanding of the American people as a whole is sadly lacking, making them susceptible to manipulation by political demagogues who say what the public wants to hear to get elected while not believing or even intending to abide by their own rhetoric.

Consider the 10 GOP presidential candidates profiled in the current issue of The New American. How many of them are trustworthy? How many would abide by the Constitution? And if the most constitutionalist-minded of the group were actually elected president despite the smears and dirty tricks that would be directed against him, how much good would he be able to accomplish?

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