Book Review
Hey There, Big Spender

Hey There, Big Spender

The book Eleven Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited Government analyzes presidents who claimed to want smaller government — and their results. ...
Laurence M. Vance
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

From the print edition of The New American

Eleven Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited Government, by Ivan Eland, Oakland, California: Independent Institute, 2017, 370 pages, hardcover.

Republicans claim to be the party of the Constitution. They have since the early 20th century cultivated the image that they and their presidents are in favor of limited government while the Democrats and their presidents are in favor of big government.

Ivan Eland (shown), in his new book Eleven Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited Government (hereafter Eleven Presidents), is an iconoclast. He shows, conclusively, that from the Eisenhower administration on:

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