Hello Socialism, or Bye-bye Bernie?

Hello Socialism, or Bye-bye Bernie?

Though presently not the preferred choice of leading Democrats, Bernie Sanders appeals to radical leftists — despite simply repackaging typical Democratic dogma. ...
Charles Scaliger
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

By now, the whole world knows that maverick self-styled socialist Senator Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary by more than 20 points over establishment darling Hil­lary Clinton. The white-haired leftist from Vermont, who has been a fixture on the radical Left circuit of Pete Seeger protest songs, Noam Chomsky, and Pacifica Radio for decades, was written off by the mainstream media commentariat when he first announced his campaign for president on April 30, 2015. A fire-breathing, superannuated socialist, the punditocracy reassured themselves, would have about as much electoral appeal as perennial gag candidate Vermin Supreme — good for a few belly laughs and perhaps a moment of serious contemplation of how corrupt and rigged the political system is, but not a character voters would perceive as serious presidential material.

How things have changed.

In less than a year, Sanders has gone from a virtual unknown — except to fans of Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman — to a rock star-like éminence grise, especially among legions of younger and more idealistic voters within the Democratic Party. For the millions of Americans now “feeling the Bern,” Candidate Sanders, the political outsider, represents authentic change. Fiery and articulate, the energetic Sanders purports to be the candidate who will stand up against the Powers That Be on behalf of the little man. Unlike his rival Hillary Clinton, Sanders claims not to be beholden to big corporate interests, especially Wall Street, and to represent a radical new brand of thinking that will emancipate America from the clutches of corporate elites and political insiders. His policies, Sanders promises, will lead to a new era of prosperity. But as is typical with populist politicians, Sanders’ ideas and proposals have not been closely scrutinized by many of his adoring fans. Behind Sanders’ avuncular charm and ideological honesty, the reality is that his proposals are little different from what Democrats and leftists generally have been trying to enact for decades. Sanders’ views — with a few notable exceptions — are in fact in near-perfect alignment with the priorities of the socialist-leaning establishment in both parties. Sanders’ chief virtue is being honest enough to call his program by its proper name.

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