Greta Thunberg: UN Poster Child
The kids are back in school — just in time to rally in support of the United Nations’ latest effort to shackle the planet with freedom-destroying schemes that are aimed, ostensibly, at saving us all from the dread effects of “climate change.” Greta “How dare you!” Thunberg, the screechy, preachy, snotty, sneering, sanctimonious version of Pippi Longstocking, is back once again to lead a global mob of young climate zealots in the push to “#EndFossilFuels.”
If that crusade were to succeed, it would amount to nothing less than civilizational suicide — not to mention an energy-starvation genocide that would take the lives of billions of our fellow human beings. But Greta and her fanatical legions are oblivious to these concerns, as they race to combat a nonexistent “existential crisis.” The Swedish sensation became an immediate darling of the establishment media in 2018, when, as a 15-year-old moppet, she was pictured leading a school strike demanding that Sweden’s parliament take action against global warming. She is now 20 years old and an idol to juvenile activists the world over.
But Pippi Thunberg’s path to eco-stardom was not boosted solely by the slavish attention of Big Media. She has also benefited immensely from Big Labor. Our nation’s largest union, the National Education Association (NEA), has promoted her to millions of teachers and students as a model of heroic activism. In 2020, the union announced that the “NEA’s Highest Honor Goes to Climate Teen Activist, Greta Thunberg.”
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