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Government Schools: When Satan Is Welcomed In, Is It Time to Get Your Kids Out?
AP Images
Ryan Walters

Government Schools: When Satan Is Welcomed In, Is It Time to Get Your Kids Out?

Selwyn Duke
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Oklahoma has, some sources say, the dubious distinction of having the greatest number of strong tornadoes per unit area in the United States. One tornado that won’t hit the state, however, is a storm of satanic “ministers” in government schools, says Oklahoma’s top education official. The satanists are, though, announced Superintendent Ryan Walters, “welcome to go to Hell.”

Whether or not he sticks to his holy guns, government schools long ago went to hell in a handbasket. Enabled by favorable court rulings and craven local officials, there already are After School Satan Club “programs” in schools in at least four states, The New York Times reported December 15, 2023 — California, Ohio, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.

As for Oklahoma, Walters’ comments came after Satanic Temple representatives said they were prepared to put their ministers in government educational institutions if a proposed school-chaplain bill becomes law.

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