Government Schools vs. Christianity 

Government Schools vs. Christianity 

Government indoctrination masquerading as “education” has deliberately waged war on biblical religion, and the fruits are devastating America and its children. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

From chanting to the Aztec deities of cannibalism and human sacrifice in California to forcing children to denounce their “Christian privilege” in front of the class in North Carolina, government schools across America have become hotbeds of anti-Christian extremism. Highly controversial religious views and rituals from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, humanism, and even human-sacrificing paganism are now ubiquitous. Christianity, meanwhile, when it is mentioned at all, is denigrated and mocked. Welcome to America’s 21st-century public schools, where a full-on war against Christianity is the order of the day. 

Despite the myth of religious “neutrality” and “secular” schooling perpetuated by the government-school establishment and its apologists, all education is fundamentally religious in nature. That is just as true in government schools across the United States as it is in Islamic madrassas of Pakistan. The only question is what religion and what worldview is being taught. Parents and even pastors would be shocked to know the truth. But the facts are there for all to see, unless one chooses to look the other way. 

Education in America for the first 250 years was mostly private and home-based, and it was thoroughly saturated with Christianity. In fact, the very first education act ever passed in North America, the 1647 Old Deluder Satan Act in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, warned that one chief project of Satan was to keep men from knowledge of the Scriptures. Families and churches were largely responsible for schooling in those days, and everything typically revolved around the Bible. That foundation led to the freest and most prosperous nation in human history — a “shining city on a hill” where biblical principles reigned. 

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