Government Mass Murder
As this magazine has had the unfortunate mission to document, human civilization has a disturbing tendency to engage in mass murder. An additional fact to be deplored is that this evil tendency is not a thing of the past. We need not turn to the pages of bloody history to find examples of mass-casualty events either worsened by government evil and incompetence or caused directly — and knowingly — by agents of authority. In fact, we’ve just witnessed one.
Specifically, we witnessed the terror and destruction of a forced public-health campaign — including the vax — that harmed lives rather than saved them. More than a year ago, I wrapped up writing the book End Game, which examined the Covid pandemic in historical and scientific context and concluded that a government-caused and -sponsored mass murder could not be ruled out. Though I hoped to be wrong, it seems the evidence is revealing the worst. As Veronika Kyrylenko reports in this issue, studies are showing that the vaccine has killed — and is killing — many people. While this might sound inflammatory, she cites studies demonstrating the facts that you won’t see reported in the mainstream media.
That media, sadly, almost always covers up government-sponsored and -caused atrocities, rather than honestly reporting on them. The classic example of this is Stalin’s mass starvation of Ukrainians in the Holodomor. From 1932 to 1933, the Soviets starved as many as 10 million people to death. The West had reporters on the scene, notably Walter Duranty of The New York Times. It was no secret to Duranty and others what was happening, but the Times and the Western press covered it up. Duranty won a Pulitzer for his perfidy.
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