“Global Stocktake”: What the Catchphrase Really Means
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GloboCOP: UN Secretary-General António Guterres addresses the news media at COP28 in Dubai. The former leader of the Portuguese Socialist Party and onetime president of the Socialist International, Guterres is an enthusiastic booster of the scheme to institute global socialism disguised as wealth redistribution in the form of climate reparations payments from rich countries to poor countries.

“Global Stocktake”: What the Catchphrase Really Means

The global planners may claim that they want to save the planet from man-made climate change, but the reality is that their agenda would be devastating to humanity. ...
Steve Bonta
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

DUBAI — Of all the provocative catchphrases bandied about during COP28, the most conspicuous — and the most baffling — was the “Global Stocktake.” We aren’t sure why the United Nations planners chose this obscure phrase instead of a more widely recognized synonym such as “self-assessment” or “self-evaluation.” Perhaps the deliberate choice of a word whose meaning most of us needed to google was calculated to provoke greater interest, discussion, or even reverential awe. After all, anyone casually throwing around a term the man on the street has never heard of must be possessed of far greater wisdom than the rest of us, right?

Certainly the globalists calling the shots at COP28 think so, or else they would not have gone to the trouble of creating an entirely new set of webpages and videos to explain what the Global Stocktake is. In brief, according to the UN’s website, the Global Stocktake is “like taking inventory. It means looking at everything related to where the world stands on climate action and support, identifying the gaps, and working together to chart a better course forward to accelerate climate action.” It is supposedly the first ever Global Stocktake, lending additional gravity to the occasion. But it’s also the first of many, slated by our superiors to occur every five years, beginning with this year’s climate conference, and is designed to smooth the way toward the ultimate goal of world government by climate fiat. 

In his opening remarks at COP28, Simon Stiell, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, made sure to emphasize the term, warning that the world is “standing at a precipice, facing the Global Stocktake.” On December 1, at the official opening ceremony, UN Secretary-General António Guterres invoked the phrase repeatedly, warning that the “success of this COP depends on the Global Stocktake prescribing a credible cure in three areas.” These, he went on to explain, were:

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