Get Them Out!

Get Them Out!

The tide is turning! While once seen as “fringe,” the movement to rescue children from government indoctrination is rapidly gaining steam and becoming mainstream. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In case it was not clear yet, there is only one true solution to the mortal threat of government “education” described in this Special Report: Get the children out of the sinking ship, as quickly as possible. Yes, now. Yes, you. Right now. It’s not just your children at stake. The situation is so bad that America, Western Civilization, family, liberty, faith, and all that is good are in existential danger. The “education issue” is the one that transcends all others.

Public-school “reform” has been tried in vain for decades. After spending time and countless millions of dollars in the effort to save the government education system, conservatives and Christians are constantly losing ground. Pretending like reform works only helps those destroying children. Despite the common refrain about the supposed need to “fix” the government-school system, the truth is that the system is working exactly as intended by dumbing down, sexualizing, and indoctrinating America’s youth.

Polling data show consistently that Americans realize government schools are less than ideal for children. In fact, just a small minority would choose a public school as their first choice, with the overwhelming majority of parents saying they would prefer to homeschool or to send their children to a private school. But unfortunately, a combination of ignorance about how bad the schools are and a desire to live better materially have restrained what would otherwise be a mass exodus.

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