The Last Word
Get Them Out (of Public Schools)!

Get Them Out (of Public Schools)!

The American people, and parents in particular, are now faced with two stark choices: Withdraw from the public education system in massive numbers, or prepare for a future of planetary serfdom. ...
Dr. Duke Pesta
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The American people, and parents in particular, are now faced with two stark choices: Withdraw from the public education system in massive numbers, or prepare for a future of planetary serfdom. It is really that simple. If Americans continue to allow their children to be educated by the government in cooperation with the United Nations, freedom will inevitably be lost, even if it takes another generation or two. 

The bad news is that Americans, having been deceived, largely did this to themselves. They surrendered their children to be “educated” by the government, something almost unprecedented in humanity’s history. They allowed their elected representatives to establish humanistic, socialistic government indoctrination camps. And they allowed it to get worse and worse.  

But that does not have to be the end of the story. In fact, there is a lot of great news, and cause for celebration.

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