The Last Word
Gaslighting America, Stealing the Election
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Gaslighting America, Stealing the Election

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

President Donald Trump intends to “steal the election.” He “refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power.” He is “encouraging supporters to menace voters at the polls.” He is attempting to “suppress the black vote.” He is trying to “sabotage mail-in voting.” He is “undermining our democracy.” He is “destroying our Constitution.” He is “court-packing” to bring about an “extreme rightward drift of the judiciary.” He has “failed miserably” in his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.

You’ve heard these and similar charges repeated endlessly — by the likes of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, and their media surrogates. The Washington Post, the longtime epitome of the Deep State media, ran a September 17, 2020 opinion piece by its Editorial Board entitled “Trump is trying to undermine our democracy. It’s un-American.” The pretext for the Post’s alarm was a tweet by Trump in which he (justifiably) expressed concern about the huge potential for vote fraud introduced by the “new and unprecedented massive amount of unsolicited ballots” that are being mailed out.

Day after day, the Post’s reporters and opinionators have hammered the president relentlessly. On September 28, the Post Editorial Board dropped any pretense of objectivity and non-partisanship: It openly endorsed the Democratic Party ticket, with an editorial entitled “Joe Biden for president.” This crescendo was, of course, about as surprising as finding sand in the Sahara, since the Post’s incessant anti-Trump/pro-Biden drumbeat was leading toward no other conclusion. In addition, for most of the past century, the Post has been one of the most dependable transmission belts of globalist and anti-American propaganda for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the premier Deep State brain trust that is leading the attacks on President Trump and his America First agenda. Today, the paper’s Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt and Deputy Editorial Page Editor Jackson Diehl (both CFR members) lead the paper’s Editorial Board and carry on the globalist legacy of CFR members Eugene Meyer (the Wall Street financier and former chairman of the Federal Reserve who bought the paper in 1929) and his daughter, Catherine Meyer Graham (who led the paper almost up to the recent takeover of the Post  by billionaire globalist Jeff Bezos). 

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