FreedomProject Academy: What We Offer

FreedomProject Academy: What We Offer

FreedomProject Academy, an affiliate of The New American magazine, provides an educational alternative to public schools, emphasizing what we can learn from history.  ...
Dr. Duke Pesta
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

FreedomProject Academy, an affiliate of The New American magazine, provides an educational alternative to public schools, emphasizing what we can learn from history. 

For parents looking for an alternative to public schools, The New American’s top recommendation is FreedomProject Academy, an affiliate of TNA. At FreedomProject Academy, our abiding mission is to change the culture and restore the nation through classical education, imparting a Judeo-Christian worldview to our students and preparing the next generation of patriot leaders, equipping them to promote, defend, and advance the causes of liberty and civic responsibility across America. 

Classical education entails reading the great books of the last 2,500 years of Western culture and studying the past to learn how it formulated our culture and led to our laws, freedom, and prosperity. The purpose of a classical education is to train the mind to approach all subjects rationally and judiciously, and to recognize the value of reason, not as the only way of arriving at truth, but as one part of a complex human organism that includes body and soul, each of which has its own contributions to make in the development of the person.

We reject the contemporary idea that reason alone is sufficient for human progress and fulfillment. If that were true, courses in mathematics and science might constitute the entire curriculum. Rather, we believe that subjects such as Latin and logic — as well as course work in the Bible, economics, and the humanities — contribute to forming the well-rounded individual, conversant in a wide variety of areas and able to properly distinguish those disciplines fit for the mind, those fit for the soul, and those fit for the body, and how to integrate them. In other words, one important aim of classical education is to educate a generation of young men and women who are able to balance the practical demands of the material world with the ethical requirements of right living and moral development.

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