Freedom Isn’t Free
At the dawn of the Trump administration, the United States witnessed an avalanche of pardons for political prisoners. First to emerge from behind bars were some 1,500 January 6 rallygoers, still labeled “insurrectionists” by mainstream media.
Shortly thereafter, Trump’s signature cleared nearly two dozen more heroes incarcerated for blockading the gas chambers of our country — abortion mills. They included a wheelchair-bound, 90-year-old survivor of a communist concentration camp who years ago fled Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe. Among her comrades are Joan Bell and Paulette Harlow, both in their mid-70s and both sentenced to 24 months despite poor health; and Heather Idoni, a mom and diabetic who was denied her medication while incarcerated.
“Today is a day of celebration for life, justice and freedom,” said pro-life activist Dr. Alveda King in a video posted on social media from the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., on January 24. Trump chose that day to reinstate the Mexico City Policy, which prevents U.S. funding of foreign agencies that promote infanticide.
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