Freedom Is the Cure

Freedom Is the Cure

This campaign, jointly launched by The John Birch Society and The New American magazine in early 2020, is the right medicine for the Covid-19 “plandemic” and any future Deep State overreach. ...
Larry Greenley
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

1. The New American established leadership against Covid tyranny with its “Freedom Is the Cure” Special Report in April 2020.

Coronavirus Freedom is the Cure The New American

Government cannot stop the coronavirus. Like a cytokine storm, its totalitarian impulses can only make a health crisis that is dangerous to a few into a crisis that is deadly for many.

— Dennis Behreandt, “Freedom Is the Cure,” The New American, April 20, 2020

What an important two years this has been for The New American! With its “Freedom Is the Cure” Special Report, The New American and its parent organization, The John Birch Society, established their leadership position regarding Covid-19 and never looked back. While most Americans and other organizations were coping with “flatten the curve” mandates and lockdowns, a mere one month into the pandemic The New American/JBS mission was already clear — to counter the disastrous effects of the government’s totalitarian pandemic response with constitutional principles of freedom.

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