Fear World Government

Fear World Government

Leftists dream of a powerful government that can take from all of the world’s rich to remedy all the world’s problems. If they get the government, they won’t get the outcome. ...
Steve Byas
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Leftists dream of a powerful government that can take from all of the world’s rich to remedy all the world’s problems. If they get the government, they won’t get the outcome.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever,” wrote George Orwell in his classic dystopian novel 1984.

Perhaps no single quotation could better sum up the reason any person who values liberty should oppose the creation of a world government, because the odds that a single government for the entire planet would have little respect for individual liberty are quite high.

George Washington is reputed to have said that government is “like fire,” in that it is a “dangerous servant and a fearful master.” History is full of examples proving the truth of that statement, with such monsters as Caligula and Nero from the ancient world, and Hitler, Stalin, and Mao in modern times. But as horrible as these men were, they did not rule the entire globe. Their evil was confined to only limited parts of our world. But a global government would make possible — perhaps even likely — global tyranny.

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