Faithful Catholics Are Resisting Pope Francis’ Globalism & Subversion
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Francis the Destroyer? Cardinal Gerhard Müller has called Pope Francis’ radical Synod on Synodality a “hostile takeover of the Catholic Church” aimed at “the destruction of the Catholic Church.” Many of Francis’ statements and actions bear this out, according to a growing number of Catholic leaders.

Faithful Catholics Are Resisting Pope Francis’ Globalism & Subversion

Is it possible to be more Catholic than the pope? In the case of the current pope, simply remaining faithful to the religion’s tenets would make one more Catholic. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Pope Francis is facing a mounting insurrection within the Catholic prelature, clergy, and laity in response to his ongoing radical efforts to change Catholic doctrine, moral teachings, Church governance, liturgy, diplomacy, and other matters. A prominent cardinal has characterized Pope Francis’ actions as tantamount to “a hostile takeover of the Catholic Church.” An archbishop and former Vatican official has accused the pope of being an “authoritarian tyrant” whose “violent and destructive” actions are causing “incalculable” damage to the Church and the faithful. An internationally renowned Catholic professor at Princeton University called a Pope Francis appointment “shocking and scandalous.” A conference in October of prominent Catholic lay men and women, featuring a bishop and an archbishop, issued a formal declaration of resistance to Pope Francis. And there is much more.

Among Pope Francis’ latest scandals are the outrageous and heretical proposals of his Synod on Synodality; his appointment, on October 15, to the Pontifical Academy for Life of Professor Mariana Mazzucato, an atheist, globalist, pro-abortion feminist, and advocate for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset; his betrayal of China’s persecuted Catholics and the aged, heroic Cardinal Joseph Zen with the Vatican’s agreement with Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party; and his harsh attacks on faithful Catholics and suppression of the traditional Latin Mass, while at the same time refusing to root out homosexual clerics and refusing to condemn or rein in wild liturgical abuses.

The pope’s Synod on Synodality, a three-year-long process culminating in October 2024, has already stirred widespread opposition for its calls to embrace same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption, radical “inclusion” of LGBTQ groups, and ordination of women, as well as for the synod’s inclusion of dissident ex-Catholics and anti-Catholics. In an essay for the (U.S.) National Catholic Register, Australia’s Cardinal George Pell wrote, “The synodal process has begun disastrously in Germany, and matters will become worse unless we soon have effective papal corrections on, for instance, Christian sexual morality, women priests, etc.” “We find no precedents in Catholic history for the active participation of ex-Catholics and anti-Catholics in such bodies,” he continued, warning against the synod’s allowing of “serious heresies to continue undisturbed.”

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