Faith, Family and Freedom Under Warmist Assault

Faith, Family and Freedom Under Warmist Assault

Global-warming alarmists are open about their plans to institute population controls and other restrictions via global socialist government. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

MADRID — As has been the case for years in the American media, President Donald Trump was constantly and viciously demonized by global-warming alarmists at the United Nations “climate” summit in Spain. Leading UN speakers painted him as a dangerous authoritarian kleptocrat, a criminal of the highest order, and a danger to all of humanity. More than a few extremists have even compared Trump to a “Nazi,” with the phrase “Trump is literally Hitler” becoming something of a meme.

But what makes Trump “literally Hitler”? The German national socialist was able to exercise totalitarian control — and kill millions — by building consolidating governmental powers, supposedly for the benefit of Germany. Ironically, it is the climate alarmists, not Trump, who want to amass power on a global scale, in the name of saving the planet. Yet, if they are able to impose their global socialist agenda on the peoples of the world, the consequences would be devastating to humankind. Former senior NASA climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer, now a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA’s Aqua satellite, has called the alarmists out on this, referring to them as “global-warming Nazis.”

One of the reasons for taking off the gloves, Dr. Spencer said in 2014 was because the warmists are absolutely ruthless in demonizing skeptics. Among other tactics, the alarmists regularly refer to those who disagree with them as “deniers,” a not-so-subtle attempt to link “climate denial” with the more odious charge of “Holocaust denial.” But according to Spencer and many other experts, the “radical policies” being advanced by warmists would kill millions of people if implemented. The poor, already living on the edge, are especially at risk, he explained.

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