Durham report
Durham Report Reveals the Real Collusion
Racide/iStock/Getty Images Plus; Photo: Gage Skidmore

Durham Report Reveals the Real Collusion

It was the FBI and Clinton campaign that colluded with each other, and with Russians, to destroy Trump. ...
R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation exposes just about the full truth regarding the Russia Collusion Hoax that Hillary Clinton and her campaign hitmen conceived to wreck Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy in 2016. The report contains everything we need to know and more. Much more.

What we need to know is this: Top FBI officials used uncorroborated information from dubious sources to open the probe — then collaborated, some of them unknowingly, with the Clinton campaign in an attempt to stop Trump from becoming president. Their work on Crossfire Hurricane made them, in effect, ex officio members of Clinton’s campaign. Key FBI officials hated Trump. They wanted Clinton. They vowed to stop Trump from becoming president. They ignored serious allegations about foreign influence in the Clinton campaign. 

And in something of a twist, the report reveals the real Russia collusion scandal. Crossfire Hurricane and one of its major flaws — illegal surveillance of a Trump campaign aide — largely arose from allegations in the infamous Steele Dossier that Clinton’s campaign paid to have created. Those allegations came not only from two Russians, one of whom might well have been a counterintelligence agent, but also from a longtime Clinton camp follower. Indeed, those claims were among the most explosive in the notoriously false dossier, which was the linchpin of the surveillance. In other words, the real Russia colluders were Clinton and her enthusiasts inside the bureau.

Yet the import of the report goes beyond merely divulging how the FBI worked on Clinton’s behalf, even if the report doesn’t conclude exactly that. No longer is the FBI what was portrayed in The FBI Story; top agents today no longer resemble Chip Hardesty, the courageous middle-American hero of the film who fought gangsters and cuffed communist spies. Rather, the storied bureau of legend is now a politicized arm of the Deep State and Democratic Party, and its agents are mere apparatchiks in a dangerously powerful, out-of-control police agency. 

Hate-Trump, Pro-Clinton Bias

Perhaps the report’s most disturbing revelation is just how obsessed top FBI officials were with ensuring that Trump lost to Clinton. They decided that Trump was a Russian asset, and rushed headlong into a mission to prove it. No matter what. “Show me the man,” Stalin’s infamous secret police chief Lavrenti Beria said, “and I’ll show you the crime.” 

Thus does the report conclude that “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane.” Indeed, the FBI’s basis for opening the investigation was a flimsy report from Australian diplomats who had met with unpaid foreign-policy advisor George Papadopoulos. Their report in a written cable vaguely — very vaguely — mentioned that Russia might release information that could harm Hillary Clinton’s election bid. But that was all. It was a one-off comment in a diplomatic cable. And those diplomats told the FBI as much — “that there were reasons to be unsure about what to make of the information from Papadopoulos,” which is why their cable about it was deliberately vague.

Still, “at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI did not possess any intelligence showing that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence officers at any point during the campaign.”

Yet that probe went forward, and became the basis for years of Democrat and leftist mainstream media attacks on Trump. But again, the powers that be were so determined to wreck the unlikely GOP nominee that they didn’t much bother analyzing the material they received.

“Our investigation also revealed that senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information received from politically affiliated persons and entities,” the report says:

This information in part triggered and sustained Crossfire Hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for Special Counsel [Robert] Mueller’s investigation. In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump’s political opponents. The Department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them, even when at about the same time the Director of the FBI and others learned of significant and potentially contrary intelligence.

In other words, after Trump’s sworn enemies inside the bureau launched the probe on the word of two from the land of koalas and kangaroos, Hillary Clinton’s hit team stepped in to provide the FBI with the information to intensify the investigatory attack. Even an FBI trainee with two days at the bureau’s academy at Quantico, Virginia, would know that’s unethical.

“Confirmation bias played a significant role in the FBI’s acceptance of extraordinarily serious allegations derived from uncorroborated information that had not been subjected to the typical exacting analysis employed by the FBI and other members of the Intelligence Community,” the report continued:

The FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia. Similarly, the FBI Inspection Division Report says that the investigators “repeatedly ignore[d] or explain[ed] away evidence contrary to the theory the Trump campaign ... had conspired with Russia.… It appeared that ... there was a pattern of assuming nefarious intent.” An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes. Unfortunately, it did not.

Another sign of pro-Clinton bias: The FBI offered the Hillary for America campaign “defensive briefings” to let members know that agents were investigating foreign campaign contributions to the Dragon Lady. But Trump received no such briefings, because they might compromise the investigation. And the bureau opened an application to wiretap Trump campaign advisor Carter Page within two days of receiving unverified allegations about him in the Steele Dossier. That defamatory material showed up in a story by Michael Isikoff on Yahoo News.

One standard for Clinton, but another for Trump.

Yet that is not surprising, given the exchanges between two top FBI officials who brazenly said they would derail Trump’s campaign.

Strzok and Page

Those two key players at the top of the FBI’s chain of command and involved in the collusion hoax were Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of counterintelligence, and Lisa Page, a special assistant to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

In a frightening transcript, the report discloses just how much the two unsupervised hate-Trump totalitarians thought they could accomplish with the awesome power of the federal government:

August 16, 2015:

Strzok: [Bernie Sanders is] an idiot like Trump. 

December 20, 2015 (After exchanging an article about Trump):

Page: What an utter idiot.

Strzok: No doubt. 

March 3, 2016:

Page: God [T]rump is a loathsome human.

Strzok: Yet he may win [the Republican nomination]. Good for Hillary.

Page: It is.

Strzok: Would he be a worse president than [C]ruz?

Page: Trump? Yes, I think so.

Strzok: I’m not sure. Omg [Trump’s] an idiot.

Page: He’s awful.

Strzok: America will get what the voting public deserves.

Page: That’s what I’m afraid of.

Strzok: God, Hillary should win 100,000,000 - 0.

May 3, 2016:

Page: And holy [expletive] Cruz just dropped out of the race. It’s going to be a Clinton Trump race. Unbelievable.

Strzok: What?!?!??

Page: You heard that right my friend.

Strzok: I saw [T]rump won, figured it would be a bit. Now the pressure really starts to finish [the Clinton email investigation] ...

Page: It sure does. 

July 18, 2016 (During the Republican National Convention):

Strzok: Oooh, TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE DOUCHE BAGS ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT. You can tell by the excitable clapping

Page: And wow, Donald Trump is an enormous douche. 

July 19, 2016:

Strzok: Hi. How was Trump, other than a douche?

Page: Trump barely spoke, but the first thing out of his mouth was “we’re going to win soooo big.” The whole thing is like living in a bad dream

July 21, 2016:

Strzok: Trump is a disaster. I have no idea how destabilizing his Presidency would be

July 27, 2016:

Page: Have we opened on him yet? 

Strzok: Opened on Trump? If Hillary did, you know 5 field offices would …

Strzok, of course, “both drafted and approved the Crossfire Hurricane opening Communication” on orders from Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, but anyway, Page and Strzok also left these fingerprints at the scene of the crime:

August 8, 2016:

Page: [Trump’s] not going to become president, right? Right?!

Strzok: No. No, he’s not. We’ll stop it.

More hate-Trump rhetoric came from disgraced FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. Eventually convicted of doctoring an email to justify the surveillance warrant, he was suspended from his job “for sending improper political messages to other FBI employees,” the report observes. “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” he said to a colleague. Asked whether he had reconsidered his “commitment to the Trump administration,” Clinesmith answered, “Hell no,” and “viva le resistance.’”

Why these three aren’t in federal prison is nearly as inexplicable as why they thought it proper to use the vast resources of the most powerful police agency on the planet to interfere in an election. One sign that FBI agents knew they were involved in wrongdoing surfaced in federal court documents in the case of General Michael Flynn, by the way. Agents purchased liability insurance to protect themselves if they were caught and sued. “We all went and purchased professional liability insurance,” one agent texted another. 

All this goes well beyond “confirmation bias,” which can and does affect just about anyone’s judgment.

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Different Strzoks: Former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, long portrayed by the leftist media and Democrats as a heroic defender of the Republic for his one-man campaign to expose Trump’s alleged Russian collusion, was revealed by the Durham probe to be merely a Machiavellian schemer determined to smear Trump with manufactured evidence. (AP Images)

“Although those involved in opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation denied that bias against Trump was a factor in opening the investigation,” the report amusingly avers, “the communications quoted above quite clearly show, at least on the part of certain personnel intimately involved in the matter, a predisposition to open an investigation into Trump.”

Let’s call it visceral hatred, not a “predisposition to open an investigation.” And that wasn’t the only evidence that the FBI was in the tank for Clinton. The bureau refused to investigate solid intelligence that her campaign was colluding with a foreign power, stopped investigating the Clinton Foundation, and, worse still, ignored evidence that showed Clinton conceived the collusion hoax. So Team Clinton sympathizers inside the bureau squelched investigations into its wrongdoing.  

That foreign interference was illegal campaign donations. A source identified as Confidential Human Source A (CHS-A) and working with FBI handlers at a field office told one handler that a foreigner called Insider-1, whom the bureau knew had “foreign intelligence and criminal connections,” asked the source to set up a meeting with Clinton. The foreigner “wanted to propose” campaign contributions on behalf of a foreign government “for the protection of [the government’s interests] should Clinton become President.”

The foreigner also wanted to attend a Clinton fundraiser, but didn’t because the campaign knew the “negative attention a foreign national might attract.” Without telling the handler, the FBI source for the information illegally contributed $2,700 to the campaign on behalf of the foreigner.

Strangely, the FBI did not document the blatantly illegal activity:

One of CHS-A’s FBI handlers could not explain why this apparent illegal contribution was not documented in FBI records.… [T]here is no indication that the agent documented the contribution in the CHS’s source file.

[The bureau] also did not document the unauthorized illegal activity by CHS-A in connection with making a campaign contribution purportedly on behalf of Insider-1. Instead, the FBI effectively removed their sole source of insight into this threat when the handling agent, responding to direction, admonished CHS-A:

do NOT attend any more campaign events, set up meetings, or anything else relating to [Clinton’s] campaign. We need to keep you completely away from that situation. I don’t know all the details, but it’s for your own protection.

Agents in the field office wanted a surveillance warrant to find out just what mischief was afoot with the Clinton Gang, but the application languished at headquarters because bureau officials feared Clinton. “[T]hey were pretty ‘tippy-toeing’ around [Clinton] because there was a chance she would be the next President,” the report said of an agent’s assessment. Other investigatory activity went nowhere because “‘a politician [Clinton] [was] involved,’ and ... the investigation might interfere with a presumed future presidential campaign,” the report says.

Or might interfere with a Clinton victory. 

Strzok and Page summed up the FBI’s jitters over investigating Clinton when they discussed her illegally using a private server to send, receive, and store classified emails. Before the FBI launched that probe, the two had this exchange, on August 24, 2016:

Page: One more thing: [Clinton] may be our next president. The last thing you need [is] going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?

Strzok: Agreed.

Partner in crime: Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Strzok’s fellow conspirator and illicit lover, shared his hatred for Trump, his support for Hillary, and his fanatical determination to bring down Trump by any means possible. (AP Images)

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Clinton Torpedoes

Yet on false, misleading, and unvetted claims from the two Australians, the FBI immediately opened the investigation. That opened the door for the Clinton Hit Squad to push the collusion smear into high gear. 

Had they more carefully examined the information from the Australians and Clinton’s Steele Dossier — which alleged a wide-ranging conspiracy between Russia and Trump to defeat Clinton — FBI officials would have learned enough to know their story was, as they say in Washington, D.C., a big, juicy nothingburger. Among the facts they would have uncovered are these:

• As for the suggestion from the Australians that Trump was colluding with Russia, a top bureau intelligence analyst, a Russia specialist, heard nothing about it until July 2016. Nor did the FBI’s intelligence analyst. She saw nothing about Trump or his aides being involved in a conspiracy to steal the election from Clinton.

• National Intelligence Director James Clapper told a congressional committee the same thing, and reconfirmed that testimony to Durham’s investigators. He knew nothing of any collusion. Nor did the director of the National Security Agency, who did not “have any discussions during the Summer of 2016 with his counterparts in the intelligence community about collusion between the Russians and any Republicans.”

• Also unaware of any such intelligence was Victoria Nuland, a top State Department official, as were CIA Director John Brennan and Deputy Director David Cohen. The latter said “he had no recollection of knowing anything Trump was doing with Putin, as opposed to what Putin and the Russians were doing to interfere in the election.” The report says:

Cohen stated that if there were such knowledge, it would have been included in a formal referral to the FBI. In addition, if the CIA had become aware of any U.S. person being involved in a criminal conspiracy, it would have sent the information to the FBI in a formal referral. He advised that he was not aware of any such referrals in this matter.

In other words, the bureau launched a wild goose chase despite there being no goose. The bureau had no intelligence whatsoever that Trump or his aides were “colluding” with Russia.

That would be shocking enough. But more so was the bureau’s acceptance of the Steele Dossier and Clinton’s larger collusion narrative at face value, despite knowing their origin. Everyone knew that Clinton manufactured the hoax to smear Trump, including President Obama. Brennan briefed Obama on “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services,” his handwritten notes on the meeting say.

As well, intelligence officials told the FBI about the nefarious plot on September 7, 2016 in a referral to FBI chief James Comey and Strzok himself. The referral regarded “U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan” to finger Trump for collusion to stop public discussion of her very illegal use of a private email server.

Though top FBI officials told Durham’s investigators that they didn’t recall any such referral, the bureau knew that Clinton was behind the narrative, at least as far as the Steele Dossier and Trump-Russian bank and cellphone allegations from Clinton torpedo Michael Sussmann were concerned (see "Clinton, Deep State Won; American Justice Lost").

Steele told an FBI agent in London that Fusion GPS, a Clinton campaign cutout, hired him to gather information about Trump; i.e., that “Fusion GPS had been hired by a law firm and that his ultimate client was ‘senior Democrats’ supporting Clinton.” Importantly, the agent’s notes say that “HC” was aware of Steele’s reporting. Strzok also knew Steele was a Clinton legman.

Importantly, the FBI verified nothing in the Steele Dossier before it used the hate-Trump material to seek a warrant to wiretap Trump campaign official Carter Page, who came off as a key colluder with the Russians. He wasn’t. FBI official Clinesmith, again, added a falsehood to an email to justify the application for the warrant, a crime for which he not only lost his job but also landed a year’s probation. And in applying for that warrant with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the FBI failed to disclose that the Clinton campaign bought and paid for the dossier. Indeed, the FBI itself nearly bought and paid for it. At a meeting in Rome a month before the 2016 election, the bureau offered Steele $1 million if he could prove the allegations. 

But back to Clinton’s Plan, as the report calls it, and how top FBI officials misled their own underlings about it: 

The original Supervisory Special Agent on the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, Supervisory Special Agent-1, reviewed the intelligence [about the Clinton plan] during one of his interviews with [Durham’s] Office. After reading it, Supervisory Special Agent-1 became visibly upset and emotional, left the interview room with his counsel, and subsequently returned to state emphatically that he had never been apprised of the Clinton Plan intelligence and had never seen the aforementioned Referral Memo.

Understandably, the agent felt betrayed. Though Durham investigators told him the Clinton Plan hadn’t quite been proved, the agent insisted that he should have been told about it.

Of course, Clinton campaign execs said allegations of such a plan were “ridiculous.” Indeed, three of them used that same term, which suggests they coordinated their answers. 

And Clinton? The information about the plan, revealed by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe in September 2020, was “really sad,” but “I get it, you have to go down every rabbit hole.” She said that it “looked like Russian disinformation to me; they’re very good at it, you know.”

The Real Collusion Scandal

So too is the Clinton Propaganda Machine, which had the leftist mainstream media baying for Trump’s blood for years after it conceived the plan to smear him. Accusing Trump of “collusion” was not only an exemplar of Clinton’s evil genius, but also, amusingly, a remarkable facsimile of what the headshrinkers call projection; i.e., accusing someone of something that one is doing himself.

So yes, during the 2016 presidential campaign, someone colluded with Russia to win the election. But it wasn’t Trump. It was the FBI and the Clinton campaign. A key player was Clinton bellhop Charles Dolan, the report shows, a veteran PR man and advisor to Clinton’s 2008 campaign. He was bosom buddies with two Russians who were either sources or conduits for the collusion allegations. Indeed, interviewed by Durham’s investigators, Dolan “acknowledged … that he fabricated” a key allegation in the Steele report — the resignation of campaign honcho Paul Manafort and his supposedly rocky relationship with advisor Corey Lewandowski.

“Close associate of TRUMP explains reasoning behind MANAFORT’s recent resignation,” the Steele Dossier allegation said:

Ukraine revelations played part but others wanted MANAFORT out for various reasons, especially LEWANDOWSKI who remains influential.... [A]n American political figure associated with Donald TRUMP and his campaign outlined the reasons behind MANAFORT’s recent demise. S/he said it was true that the Ukraine corruption revelations had played a part in this, but also, several senior players close to TRUMP had wanted MANAFORT out, primarily to loosen his control on strategy and policy formulation. Of particular importance in this regard was MANAFORT’s predecessor as campaign manager, Corey LEWANDOWSKI, who hated MANAFORT personally and remained close to TRUMP with whom he discussed the presidential campaign on a regular basis. 

Dolan pushed that claim to Steele through Igor Danchenko, one of the two Russians to whom he was tied. The FBI had investigated Danchenko, Steele’s main source, as a probable Russian agent for three years, a probe that ended in 2011when the FBI mistakenly thought he had left the country. He hadn’t. In 2017, despite the unresolved question of whether he was a spy, the bureau paid Danchenko $220,000 to become an informant. So Dolan — again, a key Clinton operative — colluded with a Russian spy suspect. So did the FBI.

Dolan denied that he was a source for anything else but the Manafort lie. That’s doubtful. The famous Trump “pee tape” was among the more bizarre and patently ridiculous allegations in the dossier. When Trump stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow, the dossier claimed, he paid two prostitutes to micturate on the bed because the Obamas slept there. And, the dossier said, he watched. Preposterous, yes, but leftist, hate-Trump Mainstream Media swallowed the yarn and the rest of Steele’s disinformation like Homer Simpson swallowed the shrimp at The Frying Dutchman’s all-you-can-eat buffet.

Danchenko told the FBI he heard the pee story from staffers at the Ritz, the report notes. “Our investigation, however, revealed that it was Dolan, not Danchenko, who actually interacted with the hotel staff identified in the Steele Reports, so between the two, Dolan appears the more likely source of the allegations.” 

Dolan, of course, denied that he told Danchenko any such thing, which means someone lied when speaking with Durham’s office.

Another reason to disbelieve that the Manafort lie was not Dolan’s only contribution to the dossier is the second Russian. One Olga Galkina claimed she channeled collusion nonsense through Dolan that landed in the Steele report.

The upshot is, the bureau did not confirm any allegations in Steele’s dossier. And it couldn’t do so even after offering Steele $1 million to prove them, and paying Danchenko more than $220,000 for more damning information.

One Failure After Another

The report’s closing pages reprise the most remarkable facts about Crossfire Hurricane.

Here is the list of failures, condensed to make it more manageable:

• The Australians told Crossfire Hurricane investigators that Papadopoulos never said he had contact with the Russians and did not provide information about their offer to assist the campaign.

• The intelligence provided zero information that backed the underlying theory that sparked the probe.

• The FBI generally ignored the significant exculpatory information provided by Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and [a Trump senior foreign policy advisor].

• The FBI ignored leads contrary to its collusion narrative.

• It failed to accept an offer from Page to be interviewed about the published allegation against him. 

• The bureau used unvetted and uncorroborated material from Steele in multiple applications for surveillance warrants. 

• Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not even ask Steele about his providing collusion allegations about Page to Isikoff.

• The FBI ignored that it never corroborated a single substantive allegation in the Steele Dossier reporting either before, during, or after the probe.

• The bureau never examined the counterespionage problems with Danchenko.

• FBI leaders simply ignored the obvious — that the Clinton campaign manufactured the collusion allegations.

• Crossfire Hurricane investigators ignored Dolan’s ties to the Russians and never interviewed him.

All those egregious errors lead to just one conclusion: Rogue agents inside the FBI turned the bureau into an arm of the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party.

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Unreliable source: Igor Danchenko, a Russian analyst at the Brookings Institution, was shown by the Durham Report to be the chief source of spurious information contained in the Steele Dossier. He was indicted for lying to the FBI about the dossier but, not surprisingly, was acquitted on all charges by a Washington, D.C., jury. (AP Images)

25th Amendment

Durham’s report aside, other evidence explains why “the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information” contrary to the collusion tale. That evidence came from disgraced Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who revealed in an interview with Scott Pelley of CBS’s 60 Minutes why he opened Crossfire Hurricane and his role in discussions about using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to overthrow Trump.

The 25th Amendment establishes the manner of removing a president who is incapable of doing his job. But it is not a means to remove a president with whom Congress, Cabinet members, or mini-totalitarians in the federal bureaucracy disagree. Or whom they don’t like.

McCabe told Pelley that he opened Crossfire Hurricane because Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on the recommendation of Rosenstein and then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. And, as well, McCabe worried that an investigation wouldn’t launch if he were fired. Trump might have won the election “with the aid of the government of Russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage,” McCabe told Pelley. “And that was something that troubled me greatly.”

McCabe wanted to ensure that the “Russia case [was] on absolutely solid ground, in an indelible fashion,” and that “were I removed quickly, or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace.”

Except that the case was never on “absolutely solid ground,” as the Durham Report shows. McCabe surely knew that, and that’s what should have troubled him. 

So maybe he targeted Trump for another reason: revenge and returning a favor. When McCabe’s wife, Jill, lost a race for Virginia Senate, Trump called her a “loser.” Or so McCabe says. “No man wants to hear his wife called a ‘loser,’” he told Pelley. True enough, but the Democratic candidate’s campaign was fortified with $500,000 from yet another Clinton footboy, Terry McCauliffe, the former governor of Virginia.

So we’ll never know the truth.

In so many words, the Durham Report says McCabe had no reason to open Crossfire Hurricane, and McCabe’s links through his wife to the Clinton Combine provide more evidence that the bureau’s real purpose was sinking Trump’s campaign and electing Clinton. When Trump won, the new objective was destroying his presidency.

And so the probe continued, and discussion about removing Trump with the 25th Amendment began inside the FBI and Justice Department. McCabe discussed it with Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Rod raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort,” McCabe told Pelley:

I didn’t have much to contribute, to be perfectly honest, in that — conversation. So I listened to what he had to say…. So it was really something that he kinda threw out in a very frenzied chaotic conversation about where we were and what we needed to do next.

McCabe also discussed the aborted coup with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker, who also figures in the Durham Report.

“Andy McCabe told me that [Rosenstein] had talked about the 25th Amendment,” Baker testified in an appearance before a joint U.S. House committee meeting. He “told me that [Rosenstein] said that he had at least two members of the cabinet who were ready to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Those men, intelligent lawyers all, had to have known that any such plan was patently preposterous and nothing less than what Trump impeachment attorney Alan Dershowitz called it: an unconstitutional “coup d’etat.”

Those officials should never have even discussed it, said the retired Harvard law professor:

And any Justice Department official who even mentioned the 25th amendment in the context of President Trump has committed a grievous offense against the Constitution. The framers of the 25th Amendment had in mind something very specific, and trying to use the 25th amendment to circumvent the impeachment provisions or to circumvent an election is a despicable act of unconstitutional power-grabbing.

True enough, but the first “grievous offense” was the FBI’s helping orchestrate the Clinton campaign’s collusion hoax that severely damaged a presidency. For four years, Trump was under siege by Democrats and their Media Information Ministry, who continued pushing the deranged conspiracy theory after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe found no collusion.

The Durham probe accomplished little. Durham prosecuted Danchenko and Sussmann for lying to the FBI. A jury acquitted both. And the report will change absolutely nothing about the way the Deep State works, because the key players in the Russia Collusion Hoax skated away from prosecution and prison time. The only punishments were two. One was Clinesmith’s conviction. The other was fines of $8,000 and $105,000 that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee paid for lying to the Federal Election Commission about the political blood money it paid a law firm to help create the hoax. 

Trump sued Clinton and dozens of others, including Christopher Steele, in federal court for $24 million for concocting the hoax. A judge appointed by President Bill Clinton dismissed the lawsuit, which is now before the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Trump would get some measure of justice if he prevails, but criminal prosecutions are the only way to stop the FBI from continuing to act as a secret police force for the Deep State and Democratic Party.

That’s a sad thing for those who remember when most Americans really believed the FBI lived up to its motto — fidelity, bravery, integrity. The days of the FBI’s Chip Hardestys running evildoers to ground are over. Today’s FBI works with evildoers to hunt presidential candidates who threaten the Deep State.