The Last Word
Dr. Judith Reisman: A Champion for Our Time

Dr. Judith Reisman: A Champion for Our Time

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“May her memory be a blessing.” To all who knew Dr. Judith Reisman, or who knew of her untiring labors and her tremendous body of work, this traditional Jewish expression honoring the deceased has true meaning. Like Judith the biblical heroine, Dr. Reis-man was fearless and stood against the great powers of the world in our time. When her countrymen were ready to surrender to the mighty Assyrian army, the biblical Judith, trusting in God, walked into the enemy camp — and walked out with the head of Holofernes, the Assyrian general, thus saving her people. Likewise, Judith Reisman repeatedly, over the past several decades, strode into many hostile enemy camps around the world — colleges, universities, legislative bodies, media outlets — to speak truth to power and to expose vile works of darkness. 

Dr. Reisman’s passing on April 9 came as a shock to all, including this writer, who has considered Judith a dear friend and colleague for decades. We had attempted a Skype video interview in March, but she was experiencing audio technical difficulties, so we had decided to reschedule it for after Easter. I was about to call her for the interview when I learned of her death. What a devastating loss of a great soul, a beautiful human being, and a fierce defender of all that is good, honorable, and decent.  

Dr. Reisman is best known for her works exposing the fraudulent, depraved, and criminal work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the notorious sex pervert who, with generous funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and lavish praise from the liberal media, became the celebrated “Father of the Sexual Revolution.” Kinsey, we are told in our psychology books and the popular press, freed the world from “sexual oppression” inspired by ignorance and religious superstition. Kinsey invoked “science” to proclaim that homosexuality, adultery, premarital sex, fornication, masturbation, pornography — virtually anything and everything sexual — is “normal,” meaning widely practiced, and therefore good. Kinsey’s 1948 book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and his 1953 book Sexual Behavior in the Human Female hit the world like twin atom bombs. Kinsey’s “research” seemed to explode all previous notions of moral and permissible behavior as it pertains to sexual relations.

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