Doctors Debunk the Medical “Consensus”
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Doctors Debunk the Medical “Consensus”

Doctors worldwide are speaking out against government lockdowns and vaccine mandates, while being ignored and attacked by the media. ...
Rebecca Terrell
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Unprecedented” is likely the top misused word of the past  18 months, as if mankind had never witnessed a pandemic before, though it is still unclear why in recent years the World Health Organization (WHO) downgraded the definition of “pandemic”to include any worldwide disease, regardless of severity. Nor is this the first time history records unbridled government tyranny that makes our unconditional quarantines look like cakewalks. Consider Communist China, where the Wuhan virus is widely reputed to have originated, and where atrocities such as forced sterilization and abortion, forced labor, and re-education/indoctrination are commonplace.

Neither does “unprecedented” apply to the modern censure of experts speaking out against official overreaction to the SARS coronavirus. For decades, liberal media and bureaucrats have gagged renowned researchers who dare challenge the science-is-settled global-warming party line (though in the 1970s they called it global cooling).

Today’s medical doctors face the same suppression. Physicians Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, co-owners of several California urgent-care clinics, stirred the pot in April 2020, calling a press conference to report research-based warnings against lockdowns. Incensed local media accused them of “publicly rejecting the consensus of the nation’s medical community regarding the COVID-19 threat.” Once their video hit five million views, YouTube quashed it as “misinformation.”

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