Did CIA Technology Change the Election Results?

Did CIA Technology Change the Election Results?

Former Air Force General Thomas McInerney and others are claiming that a CIA computer program called Hammer/Scorecard was used to steal the 2020 presidential election. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney (United States Air Force, retired) flew 407 combat missions in Vietnam. Now, at the age of 83, he is leading one aspect of the fight to expose and oppose the stealing of America’s 2020 presidential election. Far more important, says the general, than the many egregious election fraud examples that have been in the news — dead voters, mail-in ballots, “lost” ballots, dumped ballots, illegally blocking election monitors, etc. — is the real mechanism that was used to steal votes from President Trump and give them to Joe Biden. That mechanism, General McInerney says, is a CIA supercomputer system known as The Hammer and its election-controlling software application called Scorecard.

In a video interview with The New American on November 10, one week after the election, General McInerney warned that if this criminal and treasonous violation of our laws and the Constitution is not thoroughly exposed and Joe Biden is installed in the White House, “We will never have another free election in America.” (The interview can be viewed at thenewamerican.com) The Hammer/Scorecard program succeeded in switching millions of votes in a number of key battleground states, the general charges, and has demonstrated that it can be used to throw an election by changing the vote counts after they have been tabulated and are being electronically transmitted. This is big news from a credible source — backed up by technical analysis from top-level intelligence experts. But it has been almost totally blacked out by the Fake News censors and their Big Tech allies controlling the search engines and social-media platforms. 

On November 7,  General McInerney appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room radio/video program, one of the few shows with significant national reach that have sounded the warning on the Hammer/Scorecard Biden steal. In an interview with Fox’s Lou Dobbs on November 8, Sidney Powell, one of President Trump’s lead attorneys, explained to viewers that the vote-flipping by the Hammer/Scorecard program was one of the matters on which the Trump campaign lawsuits have focused. Mentioning the programs by name, Powell stated she was glad to hear that the Department of Justice is investigating the voting fraud because there are “any number of things they need to investigate, including the likelihood that three percent of the vote total was changed in the preelection voting ballots that were collected digitally by using the Hammer program and the software program called Scorecard that would have amounted to a massive change in the vote that would have gone across the country and explains a lot of what we are seeing.”

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