Desperate Dash of Global Warming

Desperate Dash of Global Warming

As one wheel after another comes off the global-warming bandwagon, the alarmists have cranked up the audacity and volume of their agenda. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Regarding the supposed “crisis” of global warming, we have both good news and bad news to report. Leading off the good news is the fact that, contrary to the non-stop bombardment of headlines and broadcasts about catastrophic warming, the evidence shows that there has been no global warming for the past 17 to 18 years. (More details on this in a moment.) Moreover, even many of the leading individuals and institutions that have been promoting climate-change alarmism admit that, in defiance of their predictions, there has been more than a decade-and-a-half “pause” in the previous warming trend. In addition, the global-warming propagandists have been exposed again and again for engaging in unethical behavior and outright fraud, as well as wild exaggeration. As a result, public susceptibility to global-warming hysteria has subsided and political support for draconian climate-related policies has declined dramatically. All of this is cause for rejoicing.

The bad news is that the Obama administration, the establishment media, and the political powers that be that have been pushing the global-warming frenzy for the past couple decades are not backing off from their destructive agenda. In fact, they are doubling down and accelerating their drive, realizing full well that they are in danger of losing a huge chunk of their plan for global regulation. They are pushing hard to lock us into a new climate-change treaty at the United Nations climate summit in Paris in 2015. And they have a huge network of highly motivated lobbyists on their side from government agencies, universities, scientific institutions, and businesses that are riding the billion-dollar-a-day, taxpayer-funded global-warming gravy train. In addition, they have a potent auxiliary lobbying force comprised of millions of children, adolescents, and young adults who have been thoroughly saturated in climate-change indoctrination. Finally, some of the leading climate alarmists admit that they are employing “post-normal” science perversion in order to promote their sacred cause. So, the race is on, and the battle, over the coming months, is going to be very intense.

The Great Pause

As we have mentioned above, the global temperature data show, contrary to all of the frantic predictions of the past two dec­ades, that there has been no increase in global surface temperatures over at least the past 17 to 18 years! Lord Christopher Monckton, science advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, points out that the Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit records show no warming for 19 or 20 years, and the Remote Sensing System (RSS) satellite dataset shows no warming for 24 years.

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