Defending Children Against the Trans Agenda
Editor’s Note: Because of the subject matter, this article is not appropriate for children. Reader discretion is advised.
They’re coming for your children — for their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. Radicals openly admit their diabolical aims.
“You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct. We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it.”
A member of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus mockingly performed those lines in 2021. They are some of the opening lyrics of a song called “Message From the Gay Community.” You can view their music video on YouTube; the blatant admission doesn’t violate that platform’s “Hate Speech” or “Child Safety” guidelines as does mentioning election fraud or criticizing the Covid jab.
And that was by no means a one-off.
“We’re here! We’re queer! We’re coming for your children!”
These chants pierced the air at a drag queen march in New York last June. The debauched rabble repeatedly shouted the threat, flashing devious smiles and gyrating to the beat of their own discordance. The degenerates included transvestites, a topless woman long past her prime, and hundreds of reprobate souls who seemed to be vying for who could appear most grotesque. When NBC News interviewed event organizer Brian Griffin about the resulting public outcry, he brushed it off. “It’s all just words,” he said. “It’s all presented to fulfill their worst stereotypes of us.”
“Just words” — like “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), the catch phrase used to exonerate those who are taking this war on children mainstream.
Predator activism: Protesters in Canada picketed on February 3 in opposition to proposed legislation that would restrict mutilating gender surgeries for minors. (AP Images)

Children’s Entertainment
The entertainment world has been emerging from the closet for years, starting with a smattering of homosexual characters sprinkled here and there in children’s programming. In 2016, Nickelodeon outed a family with two dads in The Loud House. The Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time, which aired in the 20-teens, featured two female characters who were romantically involved, and the same channel gained critical acclaim for several LGBTQ personalities in its series Steven Universe. The target audience of each of these animated series was children under 12.
In 2019, one of the main characters on the Disney Channel live-action series Andi Mack came out as “gay,” and that same year, the long-running PBS animated series Arthur, aimed at four- to eight-year-olds, revealed that the show’s elementary-school teacher, Mr. Ratburn, was getting married to another male character.
However, this trickling of sodomitical propaganda has turned into a torrent of perversion in the post-Covid children’s entertainment industry.
Hulu now offers teens the television series Love, Simon, based on the award-winning young-adult novel Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. The story of a closeted high-school student, it premiered at the height of the lockdowns in 2020. Its spinoff, Love, Victor, streams on Disney+ and is packed with characters who are openly homosexual, including the protagonist.
Disney apparently can’t make a production these days without including young, sexually deviant role models. In 2022, Disney Animation released the movie Strange World, with a teenage LGBTQ lead character: a 16-year-old named Ethan who has a crush on a boy at school.
At the same time, Disney’s Pixar division premiered the movie Lightyear, with a significant lesbian character cast as the namesake’s commander and “married” to a female. Last year, Pixar produced Elemental, another animated movie, featuring lesbian “partners” who met in art school. One of them uses they/them pronouns.
Preschoolers are flooded with filth, too. Streaming on Netflix is the animated series Ridley Jones, with “nonbinary” Fred as a lead character. He is a young, coif-conscious bison who goes by they/them pronouns and whines to his grandmother when she uses the wrong ones. She apologizes and says, “Thank you for showing me your heart.”
A huge heart covered the bosom of a cartoon transvestite who led two- to six-year-olds in a Pride Parade sing-along in June 2021 on Nickelodeon’s Blue’s Clues & You!
The same year, Disney’s popular Muppet Babies television program turned Baby Gonzo into “Gonzorella.” Wearing a glittery, blue-sequined gown, he exclaims, “I wanna be me!” Instead of apologizing when parents protested, company executives wagged their self-righteous heads and spewed the standard “acceptance” and “self-expression” rhetoric.
Corporate Support
But it’s not about acceptance. This is not-so-quiet, not-so-subtle advertising, and the target audience is children.
Why else does Scholastic Corporation promote cross-dresser picture books such as Julián Is a Mermaid for four- to eight-year-olds, and what else could be the reason Macmillan Publishers distributes The Prince and the Dressmaker, a graphic novel for pre-teens?
Why did Target Corporation celebrate “Pride Month” last June by marketing “trans” baby clothes and children’s swimsuits with “tuck-friendly construction”?
In fact, child targeting seems to be epidemic in the corporate and nonprofit worlds. Dell, Gap, Amazon, Experian, Nike, HP, Allstate, Lilly, and Pfizer are among many major financial backers of The GenderCool Project, a nonprofit founded to promote the idea to young people that unnatural vice is chic.
PBS, HBO, Google, Hulu, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, Intuit, and Spotify are just some of the companies that work with the grooming organization Drag Queen Story Hour, which hosts events for children aged three to 11 in public libraries.
The It Gets Better Project boasts funding partners such as American Eagle, TikTok, Converse, UGG, Taco Bell, elf, ChapStick, Redken, and Bath & Body Works, which support its outreach programs. These include an initiative that teaches kids how to get involved in drag performance, and “Queer Sex Ed,” a video series of teens talking about “queer sex, sex in the media, consent and pleasure,” according to the group’s website.
The annual “Spirit Day” brought to you by the advocacy group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) promotes sodomy among youth. Corporate partners include Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Uber, Nike, American Airlines, Apple, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T, and Procter & Gamble.
GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) urges schools to hide K-12 students’ “gender transitions” from parents, and they get big bucks from the likes of Hollister, Comcast, Wells Fargo, BMW, Kia, T-Mobile, New Balance, Ulta Beauty, and the NBA to do so.
Why are all these major corporations jumping on the DEI bandwagon? “It was a tri-part takeover,” says Justin Danhof, corporate governance head at Strive Asset Management, during an interview in the new documentary by Robby and Landon Starbuck, The War on Children.
The three-pronged attack Danhof describes came about because: 1. boards of directors are manned with leftists; 2. conservatives keep their mouths shut, knowing their views are blacklisted; and 3. radical shareholders such as BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard demand that companies practice ESG (environmental, social, governance) management.
The problem is so pervasive that investment banks such as Goldman Sachs no longer finance companies’ initial public offerings unless their boards are “diverse,” and NASDAQ will delist corporations if their directors are all-male and all-white. According to Danhof, companies are “tarred and feathered and shamed” for not maintaining high scores on the Human Rights Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index,” which HRC calls “the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to [LGBTQ] employees.”
Businesses boost their indices by virtue-signaling their support for the homosexual agenda. That explains all the corporate-sponsored “pride” events and rainbow-flag waving.

Social engineering, Muppet style: In 2021, Disney turned Baby Gonzo into nonbinary “Gonzorella,” who declares, “I don’t want to do things just because that’s the way they’ve always been done.” (YouTube)
Official Depravity
In some states, you can get into big legal trouble and even destroy your career for trying to rescue children from these well-funded, depraved molesters. Last July, Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law a bill banning “conversion therapy” for so-called LGBTQ minors. (Note the underhanded use of the term “conversion,” which implies some nefarious religious motive, rather than a more apt term such as “reparative.”)
Whitmer’s bill means health professionals could be disciplined and even lose their licenses for defending youth against left-wing gender ploys and for daring to point out biological facts.
Also last year, the state of New Jersey sued three school districts for requiring parental notification should students alter pronouns or express a wish to change gender. It is one of more than a dozen states that now allow a nonbinary or third-gender option on birth certificates and have removed a “proof of surgery” requirement (not that removing body parts changes a person’s sex).
Even reputedly red Florida provides no safe haven of virtue. Two years ago, the state passed its Parental Rights in Education bill (aka its “Don’t Say Gay” law, which bars perverse discussion in kindergarten, elementary, and middle-school classrooms), but a coalition of LGBTQ civil rights groups and individuals sued for discrimination. Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration agreed to a settlement in March. Now students and teachers are free to speak about deviant sex provided the topic is not part of the formal lesson plan. They can adorn classrooms with pride flags and rainbow stickers, discuss sexual perversity ad nauseam, and host campus groups and events — provided the class instructor does not officially document the lewdness.
Additionally, though many conservative states have passed laws prohibiting child endangerment and mutilation (deceptively called “gender-affirming therapy”), both California and Colorado have enacted legislation to shield parents and healthcare providers, respectively, from prosecution for providing medication and surgery to minors who travel there to pursue such reckless plans.
The official depravity extends even to the White House. President Joe Biden wasn’t joking when he told Comedy Central’s The Daily Show in March 2023 that he wants to see federal legislation that forces doctors to imperil and dismember their patients. “The way we do it is, we make sure we pass legislation like we passed on same-sex marriage. You mess with that, you’re breaking the law, and you’re going to be held accountable.”
Mad Scientists
What exactly are these medical treatments Biden advocates for children?
They involve more than noninvasive (albeit perverted) voice training and mental health “counseling” (otherwise known as “grooming”). Hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and “sex reassignment” surgeries make up the life-altering and often irreversible “therapies,” though the hypocrisy of people who advocate for these interventions is outrageous. What about their oft-touted claims that gender cannot be determined by physical characteristics?
Meanwhile, here’s how their treatments are affecting the next generation:
Testosterone injections, gels, patches, or implants are used off-label to masculinize girls. Depo-Testosterone is a popular Pfizer brand. This and other synthetic testosterone products come with a black-box warning specifically for children. (A black-box warning is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s strongest measure short of pulling a drug from the market due to a high risk of adverse effects. It means that a drug should not be administered without necessity.) The hormone — particularly unsafe for children — can stunt growth, cause physical deformities, increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, and render a patient infertile.
Feminizing boys comes with its own set of consequences. Estrogen products such as those promoted by both Pfizer and Lilly (is it now clear why they both support The GenderCool Project?) are used off-label despite their black-box warnings for increased risks of cancer, dementia, and cardiovascular disorders.
Often coupled with these medications are puberty blockers, which suppress the release of sex hormones from glands. In other words, they create a problem where none existed. So much for the Hippocratic Oath. A common puberty blocker is spironolactone, and — you guessed it — there’s a black-box warning on it, too, because of the associated high risk of cancer in animal trials. Another group of puberty blockers are gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, which the FDA recently identified as causing dangerous brain swelling in five- to 12-year olds.
Along with medications, surgical interventions include mastectomies for girls who think they’re boys, or breast implants and facial plastic surgery for boys who think they’re girls (even though physical characteristics aren’t supposed to define anyone). These are known as “top surgeries,” and they permanently disfigure and/or scar patients.
“Bottom surgeries” — or “genital reconstructions” — are even more gruesome, disfiguring, and dangerous. Vaginoplasty is the creation of an empty cavity (doctors have the nerve to call it a “neovagina”) in boys, often using skin grafts from the penis or scrotum. Male genital reconstruction can also involve orchiectomy (removal of the testes) and penectomy (removal of the penis).
Girls are mutilated through procedures called phalloplasty (construction of a “neopenis” and urethral lengthening through tissue grafts) or metoidioplasty (clitoris enlargement). These are difficult if not impossible to reverse once the patient matures.
The results of these dangerous and disfiguring surgeries can be fatal. In fact, the “Dutch protocol,” which is one of the primary models adopted by pediatric gender clinics worldwide, is based on a multi-decadal study in The Netherlands that involved dozens of young people, one of whom died. He had been given puberty blockers for years and so did not have enough penile tissue for surgeons to invert that organ in vaginoplasty. So they recklessly substituted a section of his bowel. Infection brought on septic shock and caused multiple organs to fail, extinguishing the life of this 18-year-old. Researchers detailed his case in the February 2017 Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, yet came to the astonishingly flippant conclusion: “Although vaginal reconstruction has a positive influence on the quality of life in transgender women, physicians and patients need to be aware of serious complications that might arise.”
That teen had been part of the “Amsterdam Cohort of Gender Dysphoria Study,” discussed in the April 2018 Journal of Sexual Medicine, a meta-analysis of patient medical files from 1972 through 2015. Over that same period, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) implemented a diabolical metamorphosis in diagnostic codes used worldwide and cataloged in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). From the first edition published in 1952 through the mid-1980s, homosexuality, self-abuse, transvestitism, and similar vices were labeled “Sexual Deviations.” The manual acknowledged that anatomic sex is apparent regardless of how the patient feels. It called transsexualism in children “rare,” and explained that though it “seems always to develop in the context of a disturbed parent-child relationship,” most kids grow out of it.
But then in 1987, weighty revisions crept in. “Sexual Deviations” somehow lost their deviancy. They became “Psychosexual Disorders,” a classification that held steady until 2013, when the APA threw sanity entirely out the window. In DSM-5, “Disorder” became “Dysphoria” (i.e., “unhappiness”). The APA admitted the change was intended to “depathologize” gender nonconformity. Instead of dealing realistically with kids, doctors were suddenly supposed to reinforce and encourage sexual deviancy in those entrusted to their care. The Obama administration dutifully published its 67-page white paper Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Youth in 2015, stating that, far from being a “mental disorder,” transgenderism is “normal,” and reparative therapy efforts are “coercive” and “harmful.”
This shocking disregard for patient well-being has spawned a reprehensible but lucrative “gender transition” specialization within the medical world that seems to have exchanged Hippocrates for hypocrisy. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an international coalition of healthcare professionals renowned as the world’s top authorities in that novel and dubious field. Last year, Project Veritas released leaked footage of WPATH doctors admitting the madness of their methods. “It’s always a good theory that you talk about fertility preservation with a 14-year-old, but I know I’m talking to a blank wall,” said Dr. Daniel Metzger, a pediatric endocrinologist with British Columbia Children’s Hospital, admitting that it’s impossible to obtain true informed consent from someone who hasn’t even had high-school biology yet. “That’s always bothered me, but you know, we still want the kids to be happy — happier in the moment, right?” He also noted many cases of ensuing “reproductive regret” among the young adults who were followed in the Dutch study.
Michael Shellenberger’s nonprofit Environmental Progress (EP) published further leaked WPATH documentation this March, exposing “dangerously pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experiments” on children — among them a 10-year-old girl and a 13-year-old developmentally delayed adolescent. EP says that the files reveal WPATH doctors have misled the public by concealing the harmful and permanent effects of mutilating surgeries, and have violated medical ethics by perpetuating erroneous gender “myths,” including the falsehood that without sex-change modification, “trans” youth are more likely to commit suicide.
In fact, the entire field of “gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations,” writes Dr. Hilary Cass in the April 9, 2024 British Medical Journal. She is a leading consultant pediatrician, commissioned by the National Health Service (NHS), England’s socialized medical system, to study guidelines used worldwide, such as the Dutch protocol and WPATH’s methods. Her project began in 2019, with results released this April. Cass’ team composed a seemingly endless litany of problems, among them unclear rationales for early puberty suppression, weak evidence regarding physical and mental health impacts, entirely unknown effects on development, lack of long-term follow-up, and reckless disregard for informed consent. “In particular, we lack follow-up data on the more recent cohort of predominantly birth-registered females who frequently have a range of co-occurring conditions including adverse childhood experiences, autism and a range of mental health challenges,” writes Cass.
She highlighted the shocking trend on BBC Radio 4’s Today program in April. “Fifteen years ago, [NHS’s gender-identity development service] was seeing predominantly birth-registered boys in childhood,” and fewer than 50 children annually, she said. But “over the last 10 years or so it’s switched to over 3,000 young people, and it’s mainly birth-registered girls presenting in early teens … often with quite complex problems.”
Journalist Abigail Shrier noted the same disturbing phenomenon in her 2020 book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. She cited evidence of a strong historical correlation between mothers with mental-health issues and their sons questioning gender identity. But a little more than a decade ago began a trend of formerly bright, happy girls who, after puberty, become anxious and depressed. Eating disorders and self-harm ensue, just before new names and pronouns make their entrance. Sex-change mutilations complete the destruction.
The numbers are indeed astronomical. More than 1.6 million people in the United States identify as transgender; nearly 20 percent of them are teenagers, according to the most recent data from the Williams Institute, the gender-identity arm of UCLA’s School of Law. Yet in 2017, the organization reported 1.5 million transgender people in the United States, while less than 10 percent of those were teens.
Moreover, consider the narrow range of 10 to 15 years, cited by both Cass and Shrier, during which this remarkable trend was born. What happened between 2009 and 2014 that affected it? Note that much of the devolution already discussed in this article occurred within that time frame. However, researchers agree that one of the main culprits convincing kids to question gender is social media.
Screen Time
The timeline certainly fits in this regard as well. Social media launched in the mid-2000s, with Facebook (2004) and YouTube (2005) quickly taking the lead in a relatively small playing field. Twitter emerged the following year. Since then, the industry has exploded to include thousands of message-, photo-, and video-sharing platforms.
Over the same period, parents have increasingly abandoned their children to screens, utilizing the latter as teacher and babysitter, though they are actually grooming devices. Kids grow up on them. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, children spend an average of five hours per day on electronic media, and teens top out at nine.
Screens inundate youth with images and messaging that normalize sick behavior and add social capital to imitating it. The consistent message is twofold, “Be who you want to be” and “accept others without question,” but the role models are hellish. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have popularized trans personalities such as Nikita Dragun and Carmen Carrera, who rake in millions in social-media monetization by giving “lifestyle advice” (i.e., grooming).
Brown University researcher and physician Lisa Littman warned of the social-media menace in her 2018 study “Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports,” published in the journal PLOS ONE. “Parents describe a process of immersion in social media … immediately preceding their child becoming gender dysphoric,” she wrote. Calling it a “contagion,” Littman says teens then typically turn on their families, labeling parents “‘transphobic,’ ‘abusive,’ or ‘toxic’” for disagreeing with them.
Should we wonder? Children spend well more than half their waking hours in daily brainwashing sessions the likes of which even George Orwell could not have imagined, because along with daily screen bingeing, kids live the bulk of their days at ground zero of the war zone — in school.
Gigi Gorgeous: Gregory Allan Lazzarato began his “transition to female” in 2013, documenting the experience on social media and gaining fame as both activist and celebrity. (Wikimedia/Pax Ahimsa Gethen)

School of Rot
Educational indoctrination is masked as social-emotional learning (SEL), double-speak for the process by which predators who have taken over schools shift the focus from academic excellence to “emotional intelligence” and “relationship skills,” both dumbing children down and grooming them for perversity. Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia require sex education in K-12 public schools, according to the nonprofit Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. Even in places where it is not mandated, schools can and do teach it. Couched in disarming adjectives such as “age appropriate,” “evidence based,” and “medically accurate,” popular curricula include lesson plans that contain language such as this:
There are some body parts that mostly just girls have and some parts that mostly just boys have. Being a boy or a girl doesn’t have to mean you have those parts, but for most people this is how their bodies are. Most people have a vulva and a vagina or a penis and testicles but some people’s bodies can be different. Your body is exactly what is right for you.
This quote appears in an “age-appropriate” lesson plan for kindergartners, in a free-to-download curriculum called 3Rs (Rights, Respect, Responsibility), published by Advocates for Youth. It’s a nonprofit funded not only by leftist foundations such as Ford, Hewlett, and George Soros’ Open Societies, but also by you, courtesy of federal grants. A PowerPoint presentation containing anatomically correct drawings of nude children accompanies the lecture. By the end of class, five-year-olds are supposed to be able to correctly identify and name three male and three female body parts: “nipples, penis or vulva, and anus.”
To complement the lesson plans, Advocates for Youth provides an equally inappropriate video series at These short, pornographic clips include animation of sexual acts. “Masturbation: Totally Normal”is explicitly depicted for elementary and middle-schoolers. “Porn: Fact or Fiction” reassures kids that “being curious about sex and looking at pictures or films of naked bodies or people engaging in sexual behaviors is perfectly normal.”
Such casual impropriety is designed to break down natural virtue and inhibitions and accustom children to smut. “They want to sexualize children. They groom the children” to think in sexual terms, explains Monica Cline, former Planned Parenthood health educator and founder of the nonprofit It Takes A Family. Appearing in the 2022 documentary The Mind Polluters, she explains that one of the overriding principles in modern sex education is that children are “sexual from birth” and have a basic human right to engage in sex acts. The “oppressor” of this so-called right is the parent. “Those are not my words,” she cautions. “Those are the words of Planned Parenthood.”
That destructive organization promotes its own middle-school curriculum called Get Real. It features a series of cat-themed videos. “Episode 2: Sex and Masturbation” opens with the words “Taking Care of Your ___.” The “blank” is filled with an image of a cat meowing. “Feline frisky?” it asks. “Sex and masturbation can be fun and healthy. Get the scoop on pawing around down there.” Watching the video, students learn the so-called “benefits” of self-abuse and how to do it “with or without toys” or “lube.” Other videos tell kids how to figure out whether they are “trans” and suggest ways of “coming out.”
Taxpayers foot the bill for Get Real, 3Rs, and many other curricula on the comprehensive sex-ed market, through funding provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Despite paying for it, parents who expose these materials and pornographic library books at school-board meetings are routinely silenced and removed. The smut is too graphic for that forum, yet current law in a majority of states exempts educators from prosecution on obscenity charges over the explicit material they peddle. The excuse is that in the classroom, such material is educational.
Obviously, attempts by parents to rescue their children from this demonic onslaught are thwarted at every turn. From well-funded media campaigns to governmental pushback, from a trans-obliging medical establishment to corrupt schools, parents are overwhelmingly outnumbered on the battlefield.
What is the solution? That is one question The New American asked Landon Starbuck in an exclusive interview following the release of her documentary The War on Children. She founded the nonprofit Freedom Forever specifically to defend youth in this battle for their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls, so her perspective stands out strongly amid the cacophony of distractions to the clear path forward. Her answer is both brilliant in its practicality and challenging in its simplicity, and is included in the transcript that begins on the next page. Read on for a glimpse of her vision. Our future is in the balance.