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Defender of Christian Faith and Morality?
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Defender of Christian Faith and Morality?

In a great role reversal, liberal-left activists and the mainstream media are attacking Russia and beating war drums, while many conservatives are hailing Putin as friend and ally. Are those our only options? ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Over the past two decades, while the elite media cartel has been promoting every sort of degeneracy in America and the West, it also has falsely promoted Putin as the foremost Christian champion, in a transparent effort to drive Christians and pro-life, pro-family conservatives into Putin’s camp, so they could be denounced as Putin puppets. By way of contrast, The New American consistently warned Christians and conservatives that Putin was following the path of Soviet mass-murderer Stalin and Chinese mass-murderer Deng Xiaoping, who had likewise (temporarily) allowed religion to make a comeback in their communist regimes — before ruthlessly suppressing it again. 

Communist regimes (USSR, Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea) suppress LGBTQ activities in their own countries while their communist affiliates promote it throughout the non-communist countries to hasten their corruption and dissolution. They are like arsonists who burn down other people’s houses, but not their own; or like mafia crime families that deal in drugs, prostitution, and other vices, but brutally quash those vices in their own neighborhoods. Their suppression of vice has nothing to do with morality, since they reject all morality; it is purely a matter of political expediency to maintain social order. 

The experiences of the past eight years confirm the conclusions of the article below, a longer version of which appeared in The New American on October 6, 2014. — The Editors

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