Deep State’s Embedded Reds
It was a jaw-dropping double admission by one of the most powerful men in the world, but one that was mostly ignored by the usual culprits in the major media. During a panel discussion at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference in 2016, CIA Director John Brennan proudly confessed that in 1976 he had voted for Gus Hall, chairman of the Communist Party (CPUSA), to be president of the United States. He followed that up by confessing that he lied (by way of evasion) about his communist ties when he took his polygraph test while applying for a job with the CIA. Historical note: Gus Hall and the CPUSA received 58,709 votes in 1976, a mere 0.07 percent of the national total.
Gus Hall was well known as a hardline Stalinist and universally recognized as the paid stooge of and propagandist for Soviet Russia. But Brennan, our future CIA chief, was one of the less than one tenth of one percent of U.S. voters who saw “the need for change” (as he said), and so pulled the lever for Comrade Hall. And then lied about it. Lying and deception are expected of communists; it’s part of the job description. It seems to be habitual with Brennan, who has been caught flat-out lying multiple times, including under oath (which is perjury, a felony), including with regard to illegally bugging the U.S. Senate; denying that U.S. drone attacks had killed civilians; and denying knowledge that the anti-Trump Steele Dossier (which we now know was Russian disinformation) was commissioned and paid for by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
One of Brennan’s biggest deceptions was the gambit he pulled off with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey (who seem to be as accomplished at lying/perjury as Brennan) known as the January 6, 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) on Russian Interference in the 2016 elections. You know the story, as it was repeated endlessly in the media: Experts from all 17 agencies of the intelligence community had concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered an election-influence campaign to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton. That was the sensational claim, but no substantiating evidence was provided because it was a lie — on multiple levels. Clapper later admitted in Senate hearings that the ICA was rush-ordered by President Obama, violated ICA protocols, did not allow dissenting views, and involved only a small group of “hand-picked” (his words) analysts from the CIA, FBI, and NSA, not all 17 agencies of the intelligence community. But it was used over and over again by the Democrats and the media to justify the years-long “Russia, Russia, Russia” witch hunts that hobbled the Trump administration.
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