The Last Word
Deep State Sleight of Hand

Deep State Sleight of Hand

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

There is, undoubtedly, a great deal of deep angst these days in various echelons of the Deep State. The most brazen, transparent, prolonged coup attempt in our nation’s history has utterly failed — thus far. President Donald Trump, who was expected to crumple beneath the coup onslaught, is still standing. In fact, there is even a possibility that key members of the Deep State coup cabal could face prosecution for treason (as well they should), or at least less-serious felony charges. 

For more than two years, we were subjected to non-stop hyperventilating by the establishment media about alleged “Trump-Russia collusion,” without a shred of evidence to substantiate the charges. They pinned their hopes on the super-protracted “investigation” (which Trump rightly branded a “witch hunt”) by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. In March, Mueller delivered his long-awaited report to Attorney General William Barr, and on April 18 the Department of Justice released a redacted version of the report to the American public. Talk about a huge letdown for Trump haters and coup plotters! Despite all of the illegal surveillance, lying, leaking, intimidation, arm-twisting, thumbscrewing, and other police-state tactics, Mueller & Company could produce no evidence of Trump collusion or conspiracy.

So for more than two years, America has been held hostage, divided and polarized by a false, malicious narrative perpetrated by opponents of a duly elected president of the United States. But the coup plotters have not given up. Some of them continue to flog the Trump-Russia horse because, well, they’ve invested so much time and effort in that worn-out nag, and there’s a substantial body of true believers who will continue to ride it. Most, however, have moved on to “obstruction of justice,” which is the subject of Volume II of the Mueller report. This, they expect, will provide the basis for their impeachment effort against Trump. But as many legal scholars have pointed out, the obstruction charge is as threadbare and baseless as the collusion charge.

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